Have your next event at WMODA! The museum recently partnered with - TopicsExpress


Have your next event at WMODA! The museum recently partnered with The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale for A Flair for Fashion, a couture-inspired exhibition that celebrates two centuries of fashion. The opening night preview event showcased a number of designers who created original garments influenced by 200 years of porcelain art. the mitchell perry, a fan favorite from Project Runway: Season 13, made a special appearance as a guest judge. A Flair For Fashion will be on exhibit at WMODA until December 19th. The WMODA, located on the second floor of Event Space and Venue, Gallery of Amazing Things, is open for tours Monday - Friday, 10am-5pm.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 21:13:00 +0000

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