Have your tissues ready, Kim Anderson-Sipe? K, here we - TopicsExpress


Have your tissues ready, Kim Anderson-Sipe? K, here we go..... Tomorrow is Kaitlyn Algosos 19 birthday. Starting at 11pm tonight...I went into the most excruciating pain Ive ever known until 6 am the following morning. The little baby girl I was bringing into the world damn near tried to kill me on the delivery table! Her grandma at my side....I delivered this little bundle of joy and as I laid on the table, screaming at the doctor about the size of the needle he was about to stick me with in my backside, it looked about the size of Detroit....I lay there thinking, OMG, Im taking THAT home?! Her 1st Christmas...she was a fussaholic. Her 1st birthday...equally as pleasant. But then.....she became this sweet, pleasant, helpful, always smiling child that became my right hand. I never left her alone, unless I went to work. Then her bouncing baby brudder came along, and again, Kait stepped up to be the best big sister around. Started to feel like I had fraternal twins! Kait grinds her teeth at night and if youve never had the pleasure of sleeping next to her...youre lucky! Black eyes and broken bones are always a hazard! Somehow she became a NY Giants fan?! Yea, no clue. She drives her brother up a tree every chance she gets. Have I mentioned that now that its nice and cold out...we have to move her home from Baltimore in the middle of November?! No one on the face of the planet drives me to the moon in an absolute blind rage and keeps me there until our issues are resolved. She steals clothes and shoes! Takes her brothers movies and his candy! Im a tattoo advocate and what does she do? She gets new ink and honestly HIDES it from me...thinking its funny to see how long itll take before I notice the new stuff! Shes my mini me on steroids! Shes my rock, my strength, my best pal, my go to girl, my biggest fan, as I am hers! Weve been through hell together and again, I say....I couldnt have gone through it all with 2 finer people than the 2 I gave birth to. Tomorrow is my baby girls 19th birthday.....and theres been a turn in the road for her...one thats taking her in a much better direction. And as I have always been, and always will be...I will be there for every tear, every triumph, every smile, every low, every high....everything in your life, little girl. I am your biggest fan and will be in the front row for everything. You were the first of 2 gifts from the Lord.....and Im eternally grateful. I wouldnt change one hair on your head, child. Madre loves you! Have a wonderful 19th birthday, my darling girl. Saturday, WE PARTY!
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 23:02:53 +0000

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