Havent got a partner but want one? Become the person you love - TopicsExpress


Havent got a partner but want one? Become the person you love spending time with, and so will potential partners. Struggling with your weight? Become the person that loses weight easily and effortlessly. Not got the money you wish you did? Become the kind of person who makes a lot of money in your industry. Life and the results we get are fundamentally down to the identities we hold about ourselves. Most major positive results in life come from loving ourselves first... Want the partner? How can they love you if you dont love you... Want to be lean and fit? If you love your body youd never put highly toxic foods in it and instead would nourish and take care of it... Want more money? How can you attract worth financially if you dont value yourself highly... Work on YOU, always
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 08:18:11 +0000

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