Havent posted a lesson for a while....thought the time was - TopicsExpress


Havent posted a lesson for a while....thought the time was right. Today’s lesson for the rationally impaired Ignorami is about manipulation. As Americans, we are constantly bombarded with malevolent liberal manipulative messaging which alters our cognitive processing. Only the mentally sturdy are able to resist the destructive left’s corruptive influence. At its nexus, American liberalism is actually nihilism deceptively disguised with a simpleton fooling label. Deceivingly packaging liberalism as a progressive force has fooled and continues to fool most weak-minded Americans. American leftist nihilist collectivizers are cognitive predators which regularly prey upon a spiritless, dim-witted American public. Only the irrational, mentally incongruent mind could claim as progress the blighted wastelands in leftist exemplar cities like Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Gary, Cleveland, Philadelphia, Atlantic City, Washington DC, Seattle, Oakland, and Saint Louis. We Americans continue to be susceptibly conned (and summarily used) by leftists at an alarming rate. Liberalism, as the name implies, seeks to destroy society’s established status quo. In the United States, the status quo is inherently good. The United States is the fairest, most equitable, honorable, and good nation ever founded in mankinds history. Only evil, power seeking, selfish liberals and mindless cowardly Quislings refuse to see the inherent goodness our nation possesses, despite overpowering evidence. National status quos becomes the status quo for a reason. Societal status quos possess the proof of history. Over time, society has established status quos because societal evolution and progression has determined a best way to run itself. Nihilist liberals, therefore, must tear down and destroy existing societal stasis. Leftist American liberals then seek to fill the power vacuum created by their insidious destruction. Not to say that controlled, moderated, evolutionary change is not necessary or desired. All complex organisms change and evolve. Make no mistake, the United States is a highly complex organism. However, most change initiatives preserve much of the standing status quo, altering only those things necessary to improve (not destroy) functioning. Furthermore, most people are security seeking and desire stasis. Name an existing American structure, and liberalism has sought its destruction. American status quo institutions liberalism has attempted to destroy include our nations military, the family unit, organized religion, our national education system, the institution of marriage, and our economic structure. So how does one explain America’s blind, headlong sprint to national demolition? The answer is Americans, over the course of five decades of mental exploitation, have been manipulated into destroying the greatest nation ever created. Liberals employ malignant persuasion methods which attack individual identity. Group pressure, guilt projection, and envy are three insidious tools used by liberal nihilists to unmoor, debase, and modify existing self-concepts and established personalities. Only by debasing underlying assumptive beliefs using manipulative methods can liberals coerce the average American to engage in the incongruent logical reasoning required to demolish our nation. Group Pressure uses the natural human desire for security to ensure conformity. Conformity desires beget self-deceptive thought patterns, forced manufacture of consent, and self-compromising assimilation which ignores reality. Because the unwillingness to conform (individualism) carries social rejection risks, most people rationalize agreement with prevailing narratives. The ubiquitous political correctness found in the US is testament to leftist group pressure effectiveness. Envy is an angry and hateful emotion spurred by comparative shortcomings with another. Envy-driven covetousness is leveraged by nihilist liberals to equalize society. By actualizing one group’s envy toward another and drawing on jealous enmities toward our better-performing neighbors, liberals leverage base egoistic emotions to destroy economic incentive, personal achievement, and sew discontent. There are sound reasons why envy is considered among the foremost sinful behaviors. Finally, and most insidiously, is the use of guilt projection to manipulate Americans. White privilege, rich privilege, pity inspiration, and slavery shaming are but a few of the immoral manipulation means liberals employ. Once guilt is accepted, individuals are powerless to stop liberal destruction. Liberals attempt to use projected guilt to sanction activities detrimental to our nation. For example, liberals use guilt to indict the “greedy” in order to justify wealth confiscation. Is it not greedy to demand someone else give you more of what he or she has worked to possess? Tattooing another with some demented “original sin” concoction ensures their manipulation for nefarious purposes. The irony is that no one can make you feel guilty against your will. Only you can choose to feel guilt, so rejecting liberal guilt projection nonsense is essential So you may ask, what makes one resistant to manipulation? Those with a strong sense of individualism are manipulatively resistant. As such, the left has sought forced outcome equality to eliminate the exemplary performer. The image of the typical American as rugged, self-actualized, and self-reliant, has been systematically attacked and destroyed. Now everyone gets a trophy, everyone is a leader, and outcome parity is mandated. Much easier to control and collectivize a bunch of equitable automatons than to corral a herd of individuals. Ones most courageous act is to think for his or her self.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 12:28:02 +0000

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