Having a Random Bryan Bazuro Memory Night. He was a friend and - TopicsExpress


Having a Random Bryan Bazuro Memory Night. He was a friend and hero to so many. I think Bryan wants all of the people to stay tight knit and look out for each other and try to love each other like he loved them. Miss You Bro and grateful to know you and intertwined with so many great people through you. Shalom! By Andrew McAuliffe: I shared this with some friends this evening and one told me it was comforting to know someone else felt the same as they did about Bryan. I think most people that met him would agree with this though, and I hope it will provide some comfort to others who miss him as well... They say that people rarely get the roses while they can still smell them. Well for anyone who was a friend of Bryan Bazuro, that certainly was not the case. You see Bryan was one of the few people who told those close to him how much they meant to him. Personally, I dont know what it is that makes this so hard to do, but whatever it is Bryan didnt have it. He made a point of it to make sure everyone knew how important they were to him. And even when he wasnt expressing it in so many words his thoughtfulnes, perception of how others were feeling, and overall warm demeanor made one feel as though your presence in his life mattered a great deal. And it did…no matter who you were Bryan cared about you. Out of everything else, I think thats one of the biggest reasons Bryan is one of my heroes. And I have a funny feeling that Im not the only one who looked up to him. He really lead an honorable life and has left a larger than life legacy. If he taught us anything it was to not be afraid what other people think (especially if its on the dancefloor), to pick up the phone just to say hello, to always say whats on your mind (even if it may be at an incredibly fast pace), to take notice of the emotions of those around you and do what you can to cheer them up when needed, to live every day like its your last, to follow your dreams, and, finally, to absolutely destroy any park bench that gets in your way (inside joke)! Bryan was the essence of being alive…he truly was a man of great vitality. Even when he had challenges or things on his mind it never seemed like he was anything less than joyful to be here on Earth with great friends and an amazing family to support him. He always seemed to have a smile on that was genuine and extremely contagious. If Bryan were here right now, I know that no one would be able to frown. And if he did see someone upset he would probably ask them whats wrong and somehow make them feel comforted... or just start smiling and dancing and his energy would be so infectious that it would not be possible to be upset. So today is the day we are supposed to celebrate the life of the person who celebrated life more than anyone I know. And while it is tough not to get emotional by this great friend, brother, angel, and hero that has been taken much too soon I believe that he would not want us to remember him today with tears. Instead let us remember him the way we would if he were still here…by sharing stories in which he touched our lives and made us smile, laugh, and be thankful that God blessed us by putting someone like Bryan in our lives. Between these memories, practicing what he taught us, and repeating the type of random acts of kindness Bryan was known for he will live forever. Oh and Bryan if you can…please let the other Angels rest in peace would ya?
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 07:33:32 +0000

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