Having a bad day?Is everything going wrong?Go to God in the name - TopicsExpress


Having a bad day?Is everything going wrong?Go to God in the name of Jesus and praise Him and sing hymns to him and if somebody is around tell them about God. Share your testimony. Here is a good example of this. Acts 16:22-34 Then the multitude rose up together against them;and the magistrates tore off their clothes and commanded them to be beaten with rods. And when they had laid many stripes on them,they threw them into prison,commanding the jailer to keep them securely.Having received such a charge,He put them into the inner prison and fastened their feet in the stocks.But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God,and the prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was a great earthquake,so that the foundations of the prison were shaken;and immediately all the doors were opened and everyones chains were loose. and the keeper of the prison,awaking from sleep and seeing that the prison doors opened,supposing the prisoners had fled,drew his sword and was about to kill himself.But Paul called with a loud voice,saying,Do yourself no harm, for we are all here.Then he called for a light,ran in,and fell down trembling Paul and Silas,And he brought them out said,Sirs what must I do to be saved? So they said,believe in the Lord Jesus Christ,and you will be saved,you and your household.Then they spoke the word of the word to him and to all who were in his house.And he took them the same hour of the night and washed their stripes.And immediately he and all his family were baptized.Now when he had brought them into his house,he set food before them;and he rejoiced,believing in God with all his household. Something to think about They were beaten,thrown into prison and they were not ashamed and they did not complain.Instead they chose to praise God and sing hymns to him.And by the grace of God there was a earthquake that shook the foundation of the prison and every door was opened.Did they run? No Instead they stayed behind and when the keeper of the prison was going to kill himself Paul gave a shout saying do no harm to your self we are still here.And when the keeper of the prison asked what must he do to be saved,did they turn their nose up at him and tell him to go away?No instead they spoke the word of God to him and told him to believe so he might be saved,him and his household and they were saved. So no matter how bad of a day we think we have had lets praise God anyways and be more Christ like and share the Word of God with people so they might be saved through the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 14:32:51 +0000

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