Having a busy schedule at this time is no excuse but the reality - TopicsExpress


Having a busy schedule at this time is no excuse but the reality of my lack of comment on this Washington team. In a recent article one of these flunkies writing for NFL—his name wouldn’t even bare repeating even if I remembered it—asserted that Gruden blasted Griffin III after an exhibition game for taking a sack. Ostensibly it was in front of the team and Griffin was supposedly to have responded with, “Yes sir.” Gruden complaint and so-to-say—according to this writer—was an ultimatum—“No quarterback of mine will take a sack in the red zone.” I can see so many white boys out here—the same ones that wanted McCoy and Cousins, beating their chest as if they were Gruden himself—assertive head coach coming hard against the face of the franchise who is—try arrongant. Or try selfish. Or any of the other crazy, stupid descriptions of the best player that is on the Washington team. When you read that and if you had a functioning brain, you already knew that it was a lie. Well, part of it was a lie, the other part hyperbole. And there is a part where we can all believe that Gruden tried to “humble” Griffin—as all racist do. You should have figured out right there that Gruden—who majors in the minors—was a bad fit as a NFL head coach. Any coach who would come against his best player for taking a sack in the red zone in an exhibition game in a system he has had about 40 reps in game conditions is a straight up fool. Then this writer tried to minimize Griffin—as they all have by comparing Griffin to Luck. I went back to the Indianapolis game and saw where Andrew Luck—against the Washington Indians—threw for five touchdowns. All of them wide open—wide open like nobody withing 20 yards of the TD maker. And Gruden never said a mumbling word about Jim Haslett after that game. Gruden has never really even deftly and cunningly pointed a finger at Haslett the whole season. I never heard of him criticizing his defensive coordinator the entire year. Oh, check it. He white. The defense was at time way past terrible. Gruden’s offensive coaching, his strategic and tactical decision-making during games was far past atrocious. I can tick off dozens and dozens—like maybe four or five dozen poor decisions during the course of the 16 games that was worst than rookie. His play-calling on the offensive side was terrible. He has just demonstrated that his incompetence for the money he is getting is beyond unforgiveable. He should give the money back, and let some one who is up to it do this job. His current state of ability is so low until I fear that it would take four or five seasons for him to learn how to coach, game manage and do all of the required tasks required of a NFL head coach. Basically he is equivalent to Will Muschamp at Florida (UF), but nobody should allow him four or five years to catch up—cuz—the NFL stands for . . . When they showed Haslett the door, he should have been told to hold it open for Gruden, too. “Don’t let the doorknob hit ya, where the good Lord split ya, y’understand me, son?” Finally, to continue this charade of Andrew Luck as the better of Griffin is so far beyond absurd as to call into question the credibility of this League. Because the writers of these articles—always focus on the mistakes and errors of Griffin but submit to selective amnesia on the poor play and mistakes of somebody like Luck—I am going to---PUMP you up, Luck—it is real easy to make this fallacious case promoting Luck ahead of Griffin. Nobody with a good right eye and not under the spell of the NFL spin machine could watch these two fellas play ball and come away with Luck being a superior quarterback. They never see the numbers and they would see both Griffin and Luck play. They see Luck throwing far more interceptions, far more strip fumbles (turnovers) and the other team scoring off Luck’s interceptions for pick sixes and strip fumbles going back for TDs or safeties and settin the opponent up for short field TDs. It is no comparison. But you keep on believing the lies. And if you are a Washington fan, keep whining and pining for a white quarterback and keep on getting what you getting.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 20:28:37 +0000

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