Having a lot of Spiritual Knowledge does not make you - TopicsExpress


Having a lot of Spiritual Knowledge does not make you Spiritual By having a lot of spiritual knowledge you may have developed a “spiritual ego”. You may impress yourself and others with your knowledge, but you still may be “spiritually dry”. Just having the knowledge is not sufficient, as you must absorb it, and become one with it. And you must share it by giving it away to others. The spiritual knowledge can perhaps tell you how a good, caring person should behave, or how to become a good caring person. Locked within good spiritual knowledge is the potential for real spiritual change, but just “knowing”, is merely being a human library. Even the greatest information is meaningless, unless it has gone from knowledge to positive realization – to being acted upon inside you, and outside you, in a way that makes for a real and beneficial change in your life and the lives of others. Many people place too much importance on spiritual knowledge itself, and don’t concentrate first, on the basics of simple goodness, such as virtues of Unselfish Love, by practicing kindness, caring, giving and harmlessness. Knowledge is meaningless without this. The teachings found in spiritual knowledge have the potential to stimulate and inspire an individual to do what it takes to actually manifest in their lives, true spiritual qualities. Let me take this a step further. Let us imagine two different people and what the world would be like if everyone were like one of them. In the first case, everyone in a world is someone with great spiritual knowledge, who may not have absorbed it. There is a good chance that each person would be a little selfish, as most people are and that they would be nice and friendly when things were going their way, and when nothing is required or asked of them. But remember these people are not Unselfishly Loving and have spent most of their time acquiring spiritual knowledge, instead of focusing on developing, and practicing, kindness, and harmlessness, above all else. Thus the world is filled with people that aren’t particularly kind, are definitely not harmless, happy, etc. and likewise, the population is definitely not self-sacrificing when another person is in need. Yet, they are all “egoed out”, each person thinking they are very wise and “know it all”. Thus the world is still filled with inequities and injustices of all kinds, still has children starving to death needlessly, still has torture, wars, and all other evils, problems and destruction, that go along with a “look out for #1” dog eat dog world. So much for having a lot of spiritual knowledge. Now let’s consider another world where individuals have a lot less spiritual knowledge, but have “good hearts”. Individuals who are compassionate, kind and harmless, and really care about others. And they also have an attitude of “live and let live”, regardless of what others believe, think, or do as long as they don’t hurt someone else. Now wouldn’t this world be a lot better than the one we live in now. It would obviously be a beautiful, happy place……no starvation, no hurt, no war, no economic or physical enslavement, and no infringement on freedom. So in the practical aspects of day to day life, isn’t it obvious that the virtues of kindness and giving, are better (and truly spiritual) than any spiritual knowledge? And just imagine an entire world populated by Unselfishly Loving beings – it would be paradise, Heaven on Earth Remember, “A little knowledge that acts, is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that is idle.” - Kahlil Gibran
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 22:52:44 +0000

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