Having a wonderful mentor who has taught me so much and helped me - TopicsExpress


Having a wonderful mentor who has taught me so much and helped me turn my life around has been such a blessing. Every day I get up and see the beauty in the world. Im positive, optimistic, far less stressed and am able to deal with the anxiety Ive suffered from for 20 years. I love watching my body turn back the clock as it gets leaner, stronger and healthier everyday. Im no longer the frumpy, sick, stressed mum who was staring down the barrel of old age at 38...Im looking forward to the best years of my life ahead. I passionately want to share my knowledge with everyone, I want others to feel the way I do. So how do you turn your life around? Where do you start? The more research I do, the more stories I hear from people who Ive shown how to eat properly... It all starts with the food you are eating. It is SO SIMPLE. You can have massive, positive changes in your life simply through eating well. Here are some stories about how eating this way has changed others lives to add to mine above: Im a chronic asthmatic and I havent had a single puff of ventolin for 4 weeks since you showed me how to eat. I could hardly walk from being overweight and in pain, now I walk every day and Im lifting weights 3 days a week. All the kids at school were teasing me because I was fat, now they give me compliments. I have friends now. These are massive, wonderful, positive changes for these people....all because they chose to eat well. SO SIMPLE. So why do people cling to their old ways of eating, despite the fact it makes them feel sick, have low self esteem and self confidence, and stops them from getting out and living their lives???? Is it because they feel they are missing out on treats if they eat well? Its really hard to compare a supermarket biscuits or a hotdog to self-esteem, self-confidence, health and vitality....which are you choosing?
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 20:16:19 +0000

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