Having all Palestinian political factions come together for - TopicsExpress


Having all Palestinian political factions come together for national reconciliation was an emotional experience for all Palestinians who witnessed the events taking place in Cairo. The Arab Spring has finally reached Palestine. The left, the religious right, and the nationalist camp − across the Palestinian political spectrum − with the support of the new Egyptian government, reached an agreement to establish a technocratic administration in order to hold elections within one year and rebuild the Gaza Strip. This is a critical step in our path toward freedom and independence. This ceremony was a representation of the will of our people. After the reconciliation ceremony, a young boy from Gaza was reported to have said, “I call on Fatah, Hamas and the rest of the factions to march hand in hand toward independence, to open and build our country.” From the mouths of babes come the most simple and powerful sentiments. In this case, that sentiment represents those of Palestinians everywhere, from Chile to Lebanon. As President Mahmoud Abbas said in Cairo, with the establishment of a government of national unity, we will have closed one of the darkest periods in the history of our people. Palestinians are looking forward now. We will continue to work hard on gaining international recognition for the State of Palestine in the 1967 border with East Jerusalem as its capital. Today, we have received such recognition from 112 countries. The latest vote in the UN Security Council calling for an end to settlement expansion (14 countries voting in favor and the United States against) shows unprecedented support for the Palestinian position: The Israeli occupation of Palestinian land must end.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 23:24:06 +0000

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