Having been born and brought up in humble families and societies, - TopicsExpress


Having been born and brought up in humble families and societies, we underwent untold suffering as we grew up. The whys and hows may be running across your mind, but factually speaking we grew in a situation which we can term as “lunch yes, supper no” and vice versa. This was so because our heads of families had no jobs to earn them a living, since they had not gone to school to acquire skills or qualifications, with the exception of depending entirely on subsistence farming which always gave us poor yields. We had poor housing facilities like mud grass thatched houses; we could not access education and health facilities. This kept us growing illiterately and many of our age mates died in infancy stages due to lack of medical care, even when they were attacked by simple and curable diseases. Lack of care from parents, guardians and care takers was also another problem due to a “I do not care” mentality and selfishness. Factually speaking we realized that if such societies like the one in which we were brought up, are left alone, and given no urgent attention, we are heading to nowhere, and we shall continue breeding a sadistic, selfish and careless society unless we came out to save the situation. It is this background that sowed seeds of inspiration and caring minds in us similar to that of Jesus Christ our lord and we felt obliged to start the organization in the name of “Home of Jesus care ministries” which would bring out a true picture of Jesus’ life and love. Spear headed by the following core values. 1. Giving birth to a caring mind like that of Jesus Christ. 2. Forgiving and forgetting about the past. 3. Rebuilding a society and nurturing God fearing minds. 4. Creating a” love one another situation”. 5. Building a “together as one” mentality hence creating a kingdom of God among societies. It is through this that, our people will be able to extend helping hands to one another. Habitat: Due to scarce financial resources, we have not yet set up a collection home from where we can look after these needy children, but we are still looking after them from the scattered homes of their parents/guardians in distant villages’ country wide. We envisage that, we shall set up permanent regional homes and schools for these children as soon as we get financial ability. NB: we there for beseech any person of good will to respond positively to this call with a helping hand to enable us peruse this noble cause up to the end. May the good lord be with you in Jesus’ name we pray. Our vision is: Creating a supporting foundation where needy orphans and disadvantaged children can get skills of any kind and use them as a stepping stone to brighten their future. Email: homeofjesuscareministry@gmail,
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 11:48:22 +0000

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