Having emergency surgery last Thursday and being here at Albemarle - TopicsExpress


Having emergency surgery last Thursday and being here at Albemarle Hospital has provided a lot of think and reflection time (albeit, some of it has been under the influence of morphine and other meds, hahaha). While this is not the ubiquitous give thanks each day for a specific item protocol, I do want to publish some things Im extremely grateful for. Family who will forego their own needs to see that I am safe and in capable hands. My mom and dad are just the ones God provided for me, and Im extremely grateful (even if my Dad wears his facial mask to the hospital, hahaha). My brother John M. Person who drove up 2 hours just to visit with me Saturday for two hours and show me that he loves me. My sister Tiffany Person Everette who calls up the nursess station each day to make sure they are providing the most timely, high quality care. If you need a health advocate, you can find nobody better. Its almost amusing to sit back and watch her in action. My dear colleagues (former and current) whom I work with. I truly feel my Knight family has got my back. And the former and current students who have come to visit me (seriously, you know going to visit a teacher in the hospital is not on the typical teenagers list of things he/she wants to do) have been those points of light for me. When a 24 year old former student calls me up and asks if he can come visit me, my heart overwhelms. Sean Bladow, Ive taken all your med advice to heart. :) And Im glad to know youd have my back if I had to get into a fight. Youve always had a great heart, and Ive always loved that about you. Shelby Shellby Jones, without a doubt, you are a phenomenal mother. Thank you for sharing your precious daughter with me and introducing your husband. Im proud you are in the CNA program here at COA. You will rock as a nurse because you are so compassionate and put others ahead of yourself. I cant wait for it to get a bit colder to wear the lovely scarf you crocheted for me. And to my third bell, I LOVE my card. You all are the best, and I promise I wont look for any apostrophe errors (hahahaha). Thank you Aria Barco and Mrs. Barco for coming out of your way to deliver that card and visit with me. Bonita Burgess Robinson, you know how I feel about my Natasha Trethewey. I need some comfort right now and poetry is my comfort food. I so appreciate you coming by to love on me. You are on an exciting journey and I cant wait to see where God takes you. I love your wisdom. Linda Kimble, the scene in Out of Africa where Redford washes Streeps hair is even more significant to me now. And that back scratcher has already been put to great use. Every teacher needs a Linda Kimble in his/her life. Kathy Demnicki Garner and Samantha, THANK you for being caring and sensitive friends. I am blessed. And to those who have texted, I appreciate that Im in your thoughts and prayers. Anita Rubino, cant wait to hear all about NCCAT. God is good. Life is good. And this unexpected detour has been a blessing in slowing me down to give thanks.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 00:34:22 +0000

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