Having given this a lot of thought, I have come up with an - TopicsExpress


Having given this a lot of thought, I have come up with an uncomfortable truth. Like many of the other lies embedded in their memes, the New World Order is anything but. Its actually a carefully orchestrated OLD WORLD DISORDER - keeping us in a constant state of feudal warfare. Fascism and imperialism are merely feudalism taken to an extreme. The problem is that any opposition to this manifestation of globalist organized crime also has to be international in scope. The perpetrators constantly hop international borders in order to game the system, and one of the ways they hobble their opposition is to affect their ability to follow. They control resources in order to herd people. They raise the price of transportation which ends up affecting the price of everything else - food, clothing and shelter, which for all intents and purposes financially cages anyone who might, for example, want to join the Paraguay Extraction Team (certain angry and like-minded military folks will know what I am talking about there). Control of the news media ensures that there can be convenient blackouts and disinformation. Control of information technology reaches into every possible industry and public utility. There can unfortunately be only one effective response to the Old World Disorder, and that is a TRUE New World Order - one that can quickly respond globally to the manifestation of this ancient crime cartel and stop their contrived wars and pandemics, individual torture and assassination, false flag operations and abuse of HAARP technology before it begins. I have racked my brains and cannot come up with any other answer. I am certainly open to hearing other ideas. To deal with this problem, we ourselves will have to create a kind of New World Order. Not necessarily a one world government, because such an idea is insane fascism at its worst; but some form of organization that is empowered to deal with such a global threat. A kind of United Nations with actual teeth, and which actually treats all members fairly and as equals. The people who are our enemies know this, and so the first thing they are guaranteed to do when the worlds people realize this organization needs to come into being will be to try to infiltrate and take control of it. The Occupy movement needs to understand this because right now, as chaotic and decentralized as we are, we are the closest thing there is to such an organization.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 13:52:40 +0000

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