Having just finished up Chapter 11 of my first novel “Rati: Book - TopicsExpress


Having just finished up Chapter 11 of my first novel “Rati: Book I I estimate that this is between 1/2 and 2/3 written. This is to be the 1st of three books. The first novel – and the inevitable sequels – combine quirky humor, tragedy, violence, philosophy and erotica. It tells the story of Rati V: she rises to become a celebrated film maker. Her films combine humor, surrealism, Quentin Tarantino style gore, choreography and her lifes philosophy. This first book deals with a pre-fame period. It is told in first person: different vignettes are narrated by one of the central characters (Rati, Jaime, Linda, Suze, Mike and Dan). I’ve attempted to give the different characters unique narration styles: this is meant to give insights into their personalities. The central conceit is that the three books are written by the aforementioned group as a combination autobiography and novelization. The books are written around the year 2050 as Ratis film career is fading. In Book I, Rati - and most of the central characters - are dealing with various personal crises. A central theme is how these problems are dealt with and how they lean on each other. Ratis trauma is central to the book. As we see her coming to terms with it, the wounds are reopened and culminate in a violent episode that receives nationwide attention. This episode is the starting point of Book II. Because of the public scrutiny, she captures the imagination of a major film director and they ultimately collaborate on a film. This leads to her solo projects. Read Chapter 1 online (johneisenhauerratisitcom.blogspot/?view=flipcard ),
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 22:59:53 +0000

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