Having problems with Self Harm/ Self Infliction..? Well here are - TopicsExpress


Having problems with Self Harm/ Self Infliction..? Well here are 210 things to do instead! 1) Exercise, running ect. 2) Putting on fake tattoos 3) Drawing on yourself in red marker (make sure its washable! ) 4) Scribbling on sheets an sheets of paper 5) Writing (poetry, stories, journal, etc.) 6) Cuddling with a stuffed toy 7) Being with other people 8) Watching a favorite TV show (preferably a comedy) 9) Posting on web boards, and answering others posts 10) Thinking about how I DONT want scars for the summer 11) Painting your nails 12) Going to see a movie 13) Eating something ridiculously sweet (or any favorite food) 14) Doing school work 15) Surf the net 16) Go into chat rooms to talk 17) Call a friend and ask for company 18) Playing a musical instrument 19) Singing 20) Looking up at the sky (night is especially beautiful) 21) Making your own list of things to do instead of SI 22) Punching a punching bad (with gloves on) 23) Snapping a rubber band on your wrist (or hair band) 24) Cover yourself with band-aids where you want to cut 25) Mix warm water and red food colouring, and put in on your skin (feels and looks like blood) 26) Letting yourself cry (can be very difficult for some) 27) Sleep (only if you are tired) 28) A hot shower, or relaxing bath (no razors in the tub, though) 29) Play with a pet 30) Detangling yarn or necklaces 31) Re-organizing your room 32) Cleaning (hmmm...I very rarely use this one! ) 33) Having a pillowfight with the wall (yes, neighbours may think you are crazy, but thats ok) 34) Knitting or sewing 35) Reading a good book 36) Dressing up very glamorous (make sure no one can walk in on you, though) 37) Colouring your hair 38) Listening to music (not angry music though-that can trigger) 39) Watching a candle burn (no playing with the flames! ) 40) Finding someone else you can help out 41) Meditate 42) Watching a scary (but not bloody) movie. 43) Work on a website 44) Have a vivid fantasy love affair with a celebrity 45) Go somewhere very public 46) Bake cookies 47) Alphabetize your CDs 48) Chewing leather (especially if you SI by biting) 49) Buy a home Henna tatoo kit (peels off the next day-similar to skin picking) 50) Painting or drawing 51) Ripping paper into itty-bitty pieces 52) Hugs-(this one is very nice...) 53) Writting letters or email 54) Talk to yourself (or if that feels weird, buy a small tape recorder-I then feel like someone is listening) 55) Stroke nice fabrics 56) Hug a pillow 57) Hyperfocus on something like a rock, hand, etc. 58) fingerpaint 59) Scream real loud (I LOOOVE this one-just make sure no one is home) 60) Dance 61) Make hot chocolate (mmmmm....) 62) pop bubble wrap 63) play with modelling clay or Play-Dough 64) count to one hundred 65) Build a pillow fort 66) pop balloons 67) Hug yourself 68) Chase mailmen 69) Reading things in a different language 70) Going for a nice, long drive 71) Complete something youve been putting off 72) Drinking absurd amounts of tea 73) Breaking plastic plates 74) Tearing up socks 75) Throwing socks against the wall 76) Archery 77) Rock climbing 78) Take up a new hobby 79) Organise bills and such 80) Cook a meal 81) Go out for ice cream 82) Buy a stuffed animal (I collect Beanie Babies) 83) Look at pretty things-like flowers or artwork 84) Create Something 85) Pray 86) Make a list of blessings in your life 87) Read the Bible 88) Go to a friends house 89) Play on a trampoline 90) Take up fencing 91) Watch an old, happy movie 92) Call a Help hotline or your Therapist 93) Talk to someone close to you that knows 94) Throw a temper-tantrum 95) Hit things-other than yourself 96) Ride a bicycle 97) Polish silver or jewellery 98) Gardening or watering house plants 99) Memorizing German poetry (silly, but works! ) 100) CHOCOLATE! ! ! ! ! ! ! 101) Feed the ducks or birds or squirrels, etc. 102) Draw on the walls 103) Play with facepaint 104) Do very Glamerous make-up 105) Colour with crayons 106) Memorise a novel or play or song 107) Put on boots and STAMP 108) Stretch 109) Find butterflies 110) Watch fish 111) Come up with baby names (even if youre not pregnant 112) Make mashed potatoes 113) Make a tape of your favorite songs 114) Name all of your stuffed animals 115) Go SHOPPING! ! ! ! 116) Get those japamas with slippery feet and slide on the floor. 117) Buy cheap teddy bears and take out anger onthem instead of self. 118) Throw everything (except glass) into the centre 119) Go to a loud concert 120) Play the 15 minute game (say you cant cut for 15 minutes, and when the time is up, start again) 121) Plan your wedding / prom 122) Hunt for stuff on Ebay (you can find ANYTHING there) 123) Alphabetize your books 124) Hunt for your perfect home in the paper 125) Take up Tai Chi 126) Try to make as many words out of your full name as possible, then do your friends names) 127) count ceiling tiles/lights 128) go clubbing 129) search ridiculous things on the web 130) colour-co-ordinate your wardrobe 131) do a home tan on yourself 132) sort all your photographs 133) colour (or scribble) over the pretty women in magazines 134) plan a dinner party 135) play with a slinky 136) but yourself some toys and play 137) start collecting comething 138) get a tattoo / peircing 139) play video/computer games 140) do a trash clean at your local park 141) Play on a swingset 142) go out and perforn a random act of kindness for someone 143) call up an old friend 144) write yourself an I love you because letter 145) put on fake nails 145) try to build something 146) re-arrange your house 147) go to a public place and people watch 148) go through all your old stuff 149) go bargain - hunting 150) smile at at least five people (you usually end up smiling genuinely yourself.) 151) go to the zoo and rename all the animals. 152) Listen to birds and talk to them! 153) Start talking about evil bunnies and con fu bananas. 154) use clay and make silly things 155) think about your dream car and what you would do to it. 156) start talking to plants 157) kick around a soccer ball 158) Make fish faces at self in mirror, siblings, neighbors, strangers, pets [including a pet fish!] 159) Play dress up. 160) PHOTOSHOOT TIME! :D 161) Play with little kids. [they never fail to make you smile :)] 162) Go on youtube and watch peoples first dance fecitals or VBS shows or musicals or class performances and such...esp. little kids...theyre SO CUTE in those things lol. 163) Pray 164) Go for a walk [with or without a friend]. 165) Go to the mall. 166) Clean your room. [As long as your tools arent there.] 167) Try to do handstands. 168) Same thing with cartwheels and bridges and backbends and such. 169) Go to the goodwill or a consignment shop and try on clothes...both ones that you really like and the really silly/old stuff, for laughs! 170) Go to the park and see how high you can swing! 171) See how long you can hop on one leg. Try the other. 172) See how long you can balance on one leg. Then standing on a pillow. Then with your eyes closed. Then with your eyes closed, while standing on a pillow. 173) Teach your pet a new trick. 174) kick a guy you hate in the nuts 175) pretend your teddy bear was drowning, SAVE HIM/HER! 176) go for a walk 177) see how many baby steps it takes to get back home when you go for that walk 178) count EVERYTHING 179) mess up your room, then clean it all up 180) create ridiculous(non-triggering) things to do instead of cutting list 181) eat beans(lots of beans) and go out shopping and fart on random people by accident 182) masterbate! 183) write a note to a very useful inanimate object thanking it for how useful its been 184) move EVERYTHING in your room to a new spot 185) run around your house 5 times 186) go on a date with your boyfriend(or yourself if your single) 187) learn a new language 188) Make funny faces at yourself in the mirror 189) Try to cross your eyes 190) See how long you can cross your eyes 191) Get together with friends and play ultimate frisbee 192) Buy a cheap hula-hoop and see how long you can twirl it around your waist/arm/neck/foot/etc... 193) Jumprope. See how long you can go without tripping on the rope xD 194) Go to givesmehope and read the posts. 195) Go to mylifeisg and read the posts. 196) Go to mylifeisaverage and laugh at the stupider of posts xD 197) Randomly go up and hug a friend 198) Randomly go up and hug your parent [their reactions are funny when you first do it! :P If asked why, No reason. Just felt like it.] 199) Go to the mall and ask people to hug you. If they ask why, tell them either, A friend dared me to ask people or I just feel like giving hugs today. or My friend and I have a contest going to see how many hugs we can give/get. :D 200) Wear a cape to the mall. If anyone asks, make something funny up. [i.e. What cape? or To infinity...and BEYOND! or maybe even na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na BATMAN! :P] 201) Set up a stereo somewhere...at the mall in the food court, at the end of your driveway, your room if youre REALLY self conscious [or if people start asking you to quit singing xD] and sing it karaoke style :P 202) Photoshoot :) for like bebo/facebook/myspace 203) Become poltical, I go anti-bnp/ anti-facist events 204) become a veggie or something you want to become..... enviromentalist 205) Randomly search myspace music for new music. Or use pandora 206) Search youtube for comedians. Dane Cook works too. So does Jeff Dunham. I had someone to search for, but I forgot. xD 207) Play the If inanimate objects talked, what would they say? game. 208) Play the If inanimate objects talked, what voice would they have? game. 209) Facepaint 210) Go hang out with a younger neighbor kid. Younger kids are awesome.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 02:56:30 +0000

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