Having read many posts on one Dikembe Disembe, I have decided to - TopicsExpress


Having read many posts on one Dikembe Disembe, I have decided to put down my opinion on the matter. One Dikembe himself knows why he is in custody, it has nothing to do with Raila Amollo as an individual but more to do with CORD and ODM in particular. Dikembe will not be convicted and so I expect him to be free sooner than later. It doesnt matter if he will be released tomorrow, the damage has been done to ODM as a party. I am not a member of ODM but my social democratic beliefs lean more towards CORD than Jubilee. So I speak as a sympathetic outsider. ODM is a disorganized party and this Dikembe fiasco should serve as a wake up call to ODM, especially the Executive arm of the party. Two, ODM online propaganda machine is made of people I cannot hire for my village propaganda team, no wonder Dikembe stands out like an oasis in the Sahara desert. Even at the moment, ODM has lost the propaganda war on Dikembe case. Then again, the party should have gone to court on Friday armed. First with intelligence on what the govt is up to and second with arsenal to counter it. The Mpesa appeal though good is devoid of decorum befiting a party like ODM. The party shoul be well organized to avoid such Student Union mistakes. Going to 2017, ODM must seek to be an efficient well oiled machine beyond the mammoth rallies. If not, then they should stock political blankets for another term in the cold. Meanwhile, this saga may be what Dikembe needed, so dont pity him. I know he has now crossed the rubicon, I cant wait to see a re-born Jawakula. Lastly, the DPP should also arrest the Jubilee social media hawks. Cc. Hesbon Omollo Onyango Ochieng Jr. Gordon Opiyo
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 08:42:16 +0000

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