Having spent some time reading through much of Kevin Greviouxs - TopicsExpress


Having spent some time reading through much of Kevin Greviouxs material for one of my favourite movie franchises, Underworld, I think I know who one of my greatest role models will be from now on. He came from a Microbiology degree background, like me, and now is an accomplished scriptwriter, screen writer, author, director ... like I hope to be. Just like Ive planned, hes used several tropes from molecular biology in his opera, such as the Corvinus Strain or mutagen, that resulted in the first Vampire and Werewolf, according to the Underworld mythos. Ive already had several ideas for short stories, a poetry series, and even a plot treatment for a novel in the past, but, well...this is reality, and reality means a burgeoning writer must feed, build a portfolio, and take off from there. Especially since I dont have some substantial passed-down aristocratic inheritance with which to freely exercise my creative muscle, without thinking of where the next meal is coming from. :) Real life for a Postmodern writer, thank you very much. :P For now, Ill have to work with my very best implements: words, and turn them to mental melodies; a rhythm I enjoy myself each time I read well-written things of delight, which is a lot. :) But Im also a man of numbers, whether they be binary code or figures in a ranging market. Ill have to work with those as well. When the aroma of success is much more perceptible to me (and my bank account, lol :D ), and theres a bit of Time to keep in a piggybank, Ill be the real me Ive always dreamt of being... An almost pure Realist author, trained in the crass Pendleton class, to the cultured Hemingway credo. Im thinking of starting with a webseries. First things first, though. :) Kevin Grevioux sent me through some transcendental realms this morning. Thank you, sir.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 04:58:48 +0000

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