Having suffered through severe depression myself there were many - TopicsExpress


Having suffered through severe depression myself there were many times when I just wanted to end it all. The thing about severe depression is you can never articulate exactly why you are suffering, you just know that the pain is always there and always real. I would try to contain my angst to the best of my abilities. Sometimes it would work, sometimes not. The important message is to never give up! There are people who love you and care about you and you never want to abandon them. Life can be brutal sometimes, but you have to take the good with the bad. Robin Williams death drudged up painful memories of my depressive state and I just wanted to share with everyone that being depressed is not a deficiency, it is a human condition. The line I always reference is a quote from The Never Ending Story: It has to hurt if it is to heal. My wish is for everyone to never have to feel what I have felt, and see the world the way I used to, but I realize that is unrealistic. The best thing we can do is be there for the people we love and care for and comfort them the best we can.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 19:00:45 +0000

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