Having technology issues today?? Feeling fried? This just in: A - TopicsExpress


Having technology issues today?? Feeling fried? This just in: A Strong Solar Eruption exploded toward Earth this afternoon. High-frequency radio blackouts and other communications disturbances have already been observed on the day-lit side of Earth. I.e. this is what astronomers call a geo-effective event. The erupting Sunspot is located right smack dab in the middle of the Sun AND was directly facing Earth when it erupted. It is an X1.6-class Solar Flare. X-class flares are bigger and more powerful than M-Class Flares, such as the one we had on Monday during the Supermoon. This is Incoming Light and Information for our High Frequency energy vehicles. Just as the powerful bursts from the Sun affect satellites, electrical grids and communication systems, they also affect the electro-magnetic field of our bodies (the aura or energy field). This information comes from THE CENTER of the Sun. The Great Central Sun stepped down?? Metaphysically we make these connections. The incoming energy can be used for healing, downloads of profound insightful information, or just for a suntan (just kidding on that one!!) We need to stay grounded, thats the MAIN thing. Get out in nature if you can, or do yoga, or meditate. No matter where you are, just LISTEN. And pay attention to your dreams tonight. The Moon - which is still FULL and thus REFLECTING the SUNs burst of communication with Earth and humans - will occult or cover the planet Uranus at 8:58pm EDT and then will immediately jump off the beam and go Void of its natural course. That means a kind of dreamtime will open up so that you can bypass your logical left-brain doubter and receive the beautiful Light of our Shining Star (more easily). All day the Moon transmits information from the powerful talking Sun - beaming it into your field as if you were a TV set. Then the Moon blacks out Uranus (from our point of view on Earth) - at that point, the energies coming through the Sun and Moon will be Aquarian in nature. This is NEW information that you may have never even considered before! Breakthroughs! Lightnight bolts and radical change! This is awesome. Just stay grounded. The Supermoon just KEEPS. ON. GIVING. :) Blessings, Carol Ann Carol Ann Ciocco threemoonocean #Sun #Solarflare #Solar #Flare #Eruption #Xclass #Moon #Supermoon #Uranus #Aquarius
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 19:51:05 +0000

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