Having the most incredible time with some of the press boys at the - TopicsExpress


Having the most incredible time with some of the press boys at the Redbull Romaniacs. Romania is about as good as it gets for everything. The most beautiful scenery and some of the best dirtbike riding I have ever seen. Its like bright with another 1000meters stuck on top. Ive been getting up every morning at 4;30 to go out at 5;30 to different parts of the track. Got stuck out on a section yesterday in the rain on a nasty hill climb with a nearly bald tyre..............guess what happened? We stop to say hello to farmers in the mountains and to film and photograph the best extreme endure riders in the world. It doesnt get any better. The food here is so good. The best vegetables I have eaten in years. Not like the CRAP they dish up to us at woolies and Iga....shame on us for putting up with it. Any way, what else can I say but to share a couple of moments with you. Everyone loves the theme song too, by the way and we have nearly finished the film clip so I will post it when its done. Maria is such a fantastic singer and human being. She really has transformed a great song into something so much more. Her band is going to be playing it tonight at the after party. Its going to be a wild night. Better get some sleep before it kicks off. I am sad though as Sonia and I were going to come two years ago with Rincon and a few other bands to play at the event but she got sick and priorities changed. She has been with me the whole time in my thoughts and I brought a photo of her on our wedding day. I put it in a plastic case and it is wedged in between two rocks at 2200 meters on a ridge between two rocks looking down into two beautiful valleys. A truly magestic and breathtaking view for an equally breathtaking woman........ . She would be so happy to see it all come together now,to hear the wonderful song Rincon and I put together and to finally hear it in front of so many people and to see them singing the chorus at the event its really special to me. Sonia was as much a part of this as I am so this trip will always be special. I am extremely grateful for this opportunity to work with amazing people like Jezz and the boys from Rincon. They are like brothers to me and such amazing musicians. We will be doing an Ep with Maria Cojocaru that will feature quite heavilly ,I would imagine on Romanian Radio, when its done.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 15:00:28 +0000

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