Having watched last nights debate of Dublin City councillors - TopicsExpress


Having watched last nights debate of Dublin City councillors regarding the motion tabled of the Garda mobilisation and heavy handed approach in north East Dublin,Ive realised even more how pompous and arrogant fine fail,Fine Gael and labour members are. Listening to them argue And in some cases deny That people have been arrested and assaulted and therein slandering those who have made complaints,just made me blood boil and skin crawl in equal measures. Some of the rhetoric used by the above named parties councillors was absolute drivel and the venom they spat about people daring to question the Garda was degrading and again equally disgusting. In my very humble opinion those parties have become so far removed from us the working class that they cannot even hide their disgust and disdain at the idea of working class people daring to speak up. Well Ive a message for those parties,you are now and never will be,welcome in our communities. All those mentioned above will lose more and more support while our growing and burgeoning movement will flourish in the days and months ahead. Jim Larkin asked us to rise once and now his spirit is begging us to Rise once again. Watch us rise this Saturday and remember the 11th October as the day the Government knew it was finished!!!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 20:53:16 +0000

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