Having wondered and been buffeted lately.....this broken, needy - TopicsExpress


Having wondered and been buffeted lately.....this broken, needy and open heart continues to seek the Lords direction as we cry out to Him for rest. Lord, give us......Patience. Surrendered trust. Provision. Faith. No for real, the belief and hope in what we cannot see or touch. Transparently speaking..... We have searched deep for clearer understanding beyond our sufficiency unto the Lords full view. Even though we cannot yet see the sovereignty of His great love. We continue to face and witness the deep grief that hearts close to us are bearing. Death. Cancer. Depression. Physical, spiritual and emotional defeat and with great brokenness have walked with overwhelming need and have weary lives that continue to an end that looks....well hopeless. Tonight, I am held by the more of who Jesus is, when I cannot imagine what the 2am, 9am or 5pm of tomorrow brings. I find The Lord fully there. Things sacred are being faced honestly, fully and faithfully as they have been so abruptly torn from our lives and I am reminded. In this world, we will have tribulation......Jesus left explicit instructions...... I have not abandoned you....trust me. You will be unshakable and assured. Deeply at peace. Take heart. Ive conquered the world. John 16:33 At this days end.....with every cell in my body crying out for relief in the midst of such adversity related to my moms latest battle with physical illness, rehabilitation and her lifestyle making an abrupt and permanent change.... AND at one of the most chaotic and busy times of the year for us... While overwhelmingly exhausted after removing 50 years of life from her home and dwelling place, then moving her into a small home near us has equaled nothing in its tribulation factor to date. This has gripped our lives in a way that nothing can compair. Yet, I have never felt a tighter grip from The Lord. Held.....by His sincere and earnest pursuit of the hearts of His beloved. Loved. Nurtured. Cared for....And oh how closely we are being held, as He bears our sorrows, griefs, sadness, fears,decisions, new and challenging burdens and so overwhelmingly renews our strength. I am not sure where your road of tribulation is today...but this I do know... This is what it means, to be held, when the sacred is torn from our lives and we survive. In the middle of that heartache.....that thing that has made you pause in your steps and purposed yourself to breathe because you think that you cannot.... At every lonely, dark, lost moment… The truth.... .....even then, especially then…we are held, held up, held together, by the the One who has walked here and knows the pain, and who also holds all of time, every story, my story, your story, the Greatest Story in his hands. Be encouraged, beloved of God, it may not look like Hr is there in every moment......but when you find that moment of pause...you know, the place where you can finally gasp for that breath of air..... He is there....and no matter what your mind may tell you....... you know, soul-deep that you are surrounded by the power and yet tender hands of a gracious and loving God who sees, knows and holds! Held - Natalie Grant
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 05:27:54 +0000

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