Hawks Eye & Onyx Gemstone Bracelet For Sale @ BD15. I only use - TopicsExpress


Hawks Eye & Onyx Gemstone Bracelet For Sale @ BD15. I only use natural gemstone beads known for their innate energies that heals & protect. Each beautiful bracelet reflects specific energy through the combination of gemstones. Free delivery within Bahrain. Shipping can be arranged by Registered or EMS Post Office within GCC & across the globe on buyer’s account. ...This Christmas...Gemstones are delightful to give or receive as gifts. They are mother natures natural healers. Gifting someone with a crystal is the same as offering a healing. Giving yourself a gemstone is a form of self-healing... Gemstones has healing properties that can be tapped into a variety of ways. Throughout history gemstones have been used for their healing properties and in spiritual practices. The energy that the stones imparted to their wearers made the rare and beautiful gems treasurable. Today, science recognizes the inherent powers of gemstones in the technological uses of crystals in watches, lasers, and computers. However, the more subtle influences, such as their ability to promote physical healing in the body, or their power to help balance human emotions, elude modern science. Hawks eye is famed for its chatoyancy, reminiscent of the eye of a hawk. It is closely related to tigers eye and pietersite, both of which exhibit similar chatoyancy. Tigers eye is actually formed from hawks eye. Hawkeye is a stone off a light sharp as the eyes of the hawk. It is a beautiful stone that reflects the light in the same way as Tiger-Eye. In gemology, chatoyancy is an optical reflectance effect seen in certain gemstones. Hawks Eye is an excellent stone to keep you balanced, focused, and centered while also grounding you. It helps you develop intuition and psychic ability. It is a good crystal to uplift your spirit in times of depression. This is a Throat Chakra crystal. Hawks eyes strengthens will and courage, fortune & helps one to speak more and gain more confidence. It is often used in such ornaments as talisman Hawkeye. It is possible to avoid the risk by having the stone giving eye-like falcon, are large sharp powers of observation. In addition, it is said that there is also a force that will protect the owner from negative energy, and also gives us the power to determine whether or not the people of bad faith. It will keep an effect even when sober judgment and when you cannot see the direction and at a loss to what is required. It is a stone that want to wear all means to the scene and has a keen eye like a hawk eye, to protect oneself from evil things, like make the right judgments and decisions. With its rich blue color and fascinating shimmer, it is no wonder Hawks Eye is associated with the Throat Chakra and the ability to communicate honestly and effectively. Keeping a piece of Hawks Eye close can remind you to speak with integrity and express your highest truth in all situations. Working with this stone can help you find the courage needed to trust your inner wisdom and intuition and it is useful if you want to make an honest inventory of who you are, what you are and where you are going in life. Hawks Eye and Tiger Eye complement each other and seem to work well together in charms and crystal magic. Hawks Eye enhances integrity of communication and practical communication. It can help find courage to recognize thoughts and ideas, and the willpower to carry them into the physical realm. It can be used for protection, especially of the upper chakras. It is also said to bring good luck to one who wears or carries it. It helps gain perspective to see/face situations fully and helps us see the truth (self, others, situations) in order to grow. It can help gently attune the third eye red. It makes it easy to retain overview in complex situations and helps with difficulties in decision making. This is also good in Relieving pain, helps with shivering, and hormonal hyperactivity. Gemstones are keys which can be used to unlock your potential. Their energies can calm anxieties and infuse the body with healing energies. By wearing this particular stone, you are inviting its energy into your life. Black onyx is one of the most unique and powerful stones. It is best known for its protective qualities, but can be used to help enhance determination, deflect negative energies and increase self-confidence and the ability to multitask. Black onyx is also a grounding stone which is valuable in difficult or confusing times. Wearing black onyx can help keep ones mind focused and increase productivity and determination. It is an excellent stone to help heal a broken heart or release attachments to people, places or things. It is said to be helpful in overcoming a past relationship or an unwanted form of love towards somebody. It helps to smooth the ‘roller coaster of emotions’ we all face at times. A great aid for letting go or releasing past attachments to people, places, things, bad habits and even addictions. This is sometimes known as the sobriety stone. It is frequently recommended for people who have lost a job or recently experienced some type of breakup or ending. Because of its power of assisting in letting go it is wonderful to have around if going through a break up or divorce. It is also great for keeping negative people away from you and out of your life. Black onyx can also make one more receptive to change and help release old patterns and beliefs that may prevent goals from being reached. Onyx will help you gain emotional balance, strength and self-control; very powerful when you need help moving through a lesson or task. Onyx brings change into our lives by helping us to realize and see patterns or old beliefs that no longer serve us and provides us with the strength to change them. Black onyx is an excellent stone to wear to protect from negative energies and provide strength during difficult times. The energies of black onyx are said to repel negative energy from other peoples emotions and thoughts. In ancient times it was worn to protect the wearer from the evil eye or jealousy of others. Today, black onyx can be worn to help end unhealthy emotional attachments and help release negative thoughts which may be blocking emotional healing. Its protective vibrations work to reduce fear and worry and can keep one centered and grounded during difficult times. On a physical level, black onyx can be used to heal skin disorders such as sunburn, psoriasis or poison ivy. Simply soak an onyx stone in a cup of water for at least twelve hours and then dab the water on the body in the area where the skin problems are occurring. Black onyx has the unique ability to absorb energies emitted from other crystals, making it more powerful over time. It is one of the few crystals which can be used with other stones to enhance their healing abilities. Crystal properties are listed for information purposes only and are not intended to replace medical treatment. Always consult a physician for proper medical treatment.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 07:09:48 +0000

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