Hay Yall! Good frosty morning to ya! What a beautiful fall day, - TopicsExpress


Hay Yall! Good frosty morning to ya! What a beautiful fall day, sun shine and crisp air, a bit windy though. Makes a person look forward to working out of doors. I have been feeding the flock a warm breakfast for a few days now. That is something I do on brisk mornings when the temps are below 40ish. Just to give them a warm belly (yes I know its called a crop) to start the day. I use old fashioned oat meal (whole oats) or rice, I buy them in a 50lb bag. Then add in some healthy treats such as apple pieces, raisins, molasses, flax seeds, bacon fat, peanut butter, pretty much anything I think they will like. There are some things they should not have, onions or potato skins come to mind. So be careful what you pick. Go to Mypetchicken for a complete list of bad for chicken foods and for more information about what treats to feed chickens. Now that the season has changed I also switched feed. I use grower pellets with 18% protein to a winter ration of layer pellets with 16% protein. I still give scratch but add sunflower seeds to the winter rations of scratch. Also for the fall/winter months I provide suet cakes that I make myself. That is fun. You can experiment with different flavor combos, grains, nuts, and dried fruits. I get suet from the local butcher and render that down, strain twice through cheese clothe. Then add corn meal and small grains for the main grain filler. After than add in what ever I imagine they will enjoy. Poor into wax paper lined bread pans or what ever pan I can find. Freeze, then turn out and cut with an electric knife into cakes. Use a bunt pan, turn out of the pan and tie with a ribbon or baller twine. I just did a Google search for a recipe to learn from and have use my imagination ever since. You can use lard too though lard cakes will melt at a lower tempt than suet. Suet will hold its form up to 60 degrees F. What do you do for your flocks diet health in the winter months?
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 14:22:00 +0000

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