Hayley asked me this a.m. if she could join the bandwagon & refuse - TopicsExpress


Hayley asked me this a.m. if she could join the bandwagon & refuse to take the Common Core ELA today. Being they type of mother & human being that I am I told her I trusted her enuff at her age to make the rite decision for herself. But she knows how I feel. I feel that Common Core is not the evil monster ppl think it is. I think it raises the standards we expect in this country dramatically. I have seen Darla achieve grades & results that are possible simply because she was asked to work harder, & not less . Look around you. Your electronics are made over-seas. Your cars. Your toys. As a child of the world I dont mind. If another country is smarter & better at building a specific product then obviously I prefer theirs to ours as well. But thats the point. We could be just as smart. We are so low on the list of academic intelligence in the worlds nations that its actually sad. You know why so many parents are against the Common Core? Because, simply put, they dont have FAITH in their children to push them further. Thy are more scared of failure than they are hopeful of success. The tests dont matter much on a grade level. They are primarily used for data, which I think is important if we ever want to begin to compete with the rest of the worlds intellect & education. The tests could possibly one day give them an advantage in gaining scholarships. But whats most important to me is, when they finish it, they will know that they DID it. When everyone else was bailing, they stuck it out. The grades arrive in the summer, the kids dont ever see them,& if they did they probably wouldnt understand the grading technique anyway. The grades arent the point, my girls know that . The point is that there is no failure in trying. The only real failure is in the refusing to try. I know my ideas on this subject arent popular, & that is perfectly fine with me. If any of my opinions were popular, I would question them even more than I already do. My opinions are popular amongst those who matter to ME. As Hayley was leaving for school, she said, Nevermind Mom, dont write the note. Im gonna take the test. :)
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 14:35:57 +0000

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