Hazlemere Parish Council meeting 7th October Yet another waste of - TopicsExpress


Hazlemere Parish Council meeting 7th October Yet another waste of 2 hours but here goes - absent again Nicole Howard, also Alex and Philip Whitehead - question - does this Council ever get a full turnout of these people who are supposed to represent our community? Present, myself, 8/9 Green Street residents, Steve Hollings (HTC) Mark Smith and wife, BFP reporter and, of course, Mrs Howard. At Public Time, a question was asked about the childrens play area - met with a very glib reply about a full public consultation in the fullness of time, no decision yet made but refurbishment is becoming urgent, safety inspections carried out regularly. The consultation would include other matters like the skatepark but no business plan yet received for this. I then asked if any letters would be read out, answer no so I read out the letter from the Bowls club about renaming the pavilion. It seems the minutes are wrong, this was a decision by the Council not a recommendation by Nabarro, and was made to eliminate past history so the slate could be wiped clean! On the budget report, another £3000 for Nabarro and £1275 for Vail Williams. At various stages, BM tried a political joke but was pulled up by Judy Weaver. Correspondence - 53 items in total, several referring to the name change and i confirming that planning permission to change the name not required. Mapletoft concluded that some letters were written to goad him and he wanted to ignore them but Ali and Judy said he must at least acknowledge them - he said he doubted that these people would be around next May!! Item 48 in this section was a proposal from HSA - BM stated they were not talking the same language, no proposals would be accepted, HSA would be treated like any other hirer of Council facilities. There were several enquiries already for the pavilion hire but there were no rates set yet as they didnt know what they were getting. Ali did say that various Clubs needed some idea because of fixtures, the answer to this was they should write in like the juniors had. There were sweeping comments about the measly rent paid by football for full use of the rec which cannot be allowed to continue, and about the fact that the free range given to all football would be ending soon. There was then some mention of a container for storage! as the sheds in the play area might be removed and, of course, the electronic booking system would need to be expanded come December! As the time was now 9.50pm Id had enough and left. You cant help but come to the conclusion that this Council, under the Chairmanship of Mapletoft, has no intention of listening to residents, let alone taking their views into any kind of consideration. We must keep up the work towards May 2015!
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 09:08:32 +0000

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