Hazrath Nawas Bin Samman RZ narrates, one morning the ProphetSLM - TopicsExpress


Hazrath Nawas Bin Samman RZ narrates, one morning the ProphetSLM narrated about Dajjal, sometime he shortened it and sometimes he lengthened (i.e. sometimes he cut short and sometimes he said this fitna is a big one, sometimes he spoke in low voice, sometimes his voice was raised) until we thought the Dajjal might be hiding in between the group of date trees. In the evening when we went to see the ProphetSLM he enquired about (the fear on) our faces. He asked, how are you, we replied O! ProphetSLM you have mentioned about Dajjal and sometimes you shortened and sometimes went into the details, we thought Dajjal might be hiding in between the group of date trees (i.e. his coming is near). The ProphetSLM replied, apart from Dajjal I fear from many other things on you (regarding the trials and infightings). If I am alive and Dajjal appears then I will face him first (I will fight him) and save you from his mischief. If he appears and I am no more in between you, every Muslim Man should face him and Allah will be Khalifa and defender on every Muslim Man. But Dajjal is young with curly hairs, his eyes are protruded similar to Abdul Uzza Bin Qattan. Whoever of you finds Dajjal should recite the opening verses of Surah Kahf over him. Definitely, he will appear the route in between Syria and Iraq spreading evil on his left and right side. O! Servants of Allah, stay firm on faith, the companions asked, O! MessengerSLM of AllahSWT how long will he be on Earth? For 40 days, he replied. Each day will be equal to a year, each day will be equal to a month, each day will be equal to a week, and the remaining days would be similar to yours (i.e. as per our days Dajjal will exist for 1 year, 2 months and 14 days). The companions asked, O! ProphetSLM the day that is equal to a year, on this day we would be suffice with only one day of prayers? He said, No! On this day (the prayers of the year) (Now clocks are available and time can easily be measured). Imam NowawiRA says, if the ProphetSLM would not clearly said about this, it was thought that offering of only 5 prayers was sufficient on this day, because in each day and night how long it might be, Allah has made only 5 prayers obligatory, but this thought was nullified on the basis of nus i.e. as per Qur’anic injunction. The translator says, on the planet Earth on the 9th degree from the equator where the sunrise is similar to morning, this place has 6 months day and 6 months night. So a complete day and night equals to a whole year. For example if a man reaches to that place and survives, he has to offer only 5 prayers in a whole year. The companions asked, O! ProphetSLM how he will walk on earth? He replied, like this cloud, which is driven by wind from behind. He would come to a Qaum community and would invite them, they will bring faith on him and would follow him, he will direct the skies and it will start raining and on his command the earth will bring forth grass and grains. On dusk when their cattle returns their horns will be longer than before, udders would be spread (with milk) and their bellies would be arched (i.e. too fat). Then Dajjal will visit another Qaum community, he will invite them also but they will not accept his words, he will move away from them, draught and starvation will befall upon them. Their hands would be empty nothing of their wealth would be left with them. When Dajjal walks on barren land he will say, O earth! Bring forth your treasures, the treasure would appear and gather around him similar to honey Bees, which gather around the Queen Bee. Then he will call a young man and would cut him into 2 pieces with a single strike of sword with perfect aim. Then he will bring him back to life and would call him, with this the boy will come jumping with a smiling face. Dajjal would be in this condition and suddenly Allah will send down Hazrath EsaAS. EsaAS would descend in the city of Damascus at the eastern side near the white minaret, he would be draped in yellow dress. Both his hands would be resting the shoulders of two angels, when EsaAS bends his head sweat will drip, when he lifts his head the drops will fall like pearls, wherever the fragrance of EsaAS reaches the infidels would die. His fragrance would reach till the extent of his sight, and then he would start searching for Dajjal until he finds him at Bab-e-Ludd (this mount is situated in Syria) and he would kill Dajjal. Then those people will come out towards EsaAS whom Allah had saved them from the trials of Dajjal. Then he will soothe their faces with his palms and will give them glad tidings of their high stations, which were kept for them in Paradise. He will be in this condition, Allah will send inspiration to him saying, “I have brought out my servants, nobody has the strength to fight with them, and you take them towards the mount of Tur for refuge”, and Allah will send Gog and Magog and they will come out from all peaks. Before them people will cross over the river of Tibristan and would drink all of its water making it dry, from among them those who came after would say, there used to be water in it. They would continue to walk until they reach a mountaineous region filled with trees i.e. the mountaineous region of Bait-ul-Muqaddis and would say, we have killed the inhabitants of earth and now come we will kill the inhabitants in the skies and they will start shooting arrows in the sky, but Allah would fill their arrow with blood and return them back, they will think the inhabitants of the skies are also killed (this article is not from this narration but was taken from the forth coming narration). EsaAS the Prophet of Allah and his companions would be locked inside, their condition would be, the head of a bull with them would be better than your 100 gold coins (i.e. food would be scarce). EsaAS and his companions would supplicate. Allah will send a torment on the people of Gog and Magog in the shape of a worm, which would take birth in their necks, and until morning they will all die similar to the death of a man. Then EsaAS along with his companions would step on the ground, they will not find space even the size of a palm, from their stink and carcass (i.e. their stinking corpses would be spread across the earth), then EsaAS and his companions would supplicate and Allah will send flocks of birds with their necks similar of camel necks, they would carry the dead bodies and throw them where they have been commanded by Allah, on that day Allah will send showers of rains and then the earth would be commanded to gather all its fruits and return back to its blessings, on this day a single pomegranate would be consumed by a whole groh community and from its peelings a house similar to a bungalow would be built and people would take rest in its shadow and milk will also be blessed, so that milk laden she-camel would be sufficient to quench the thirst of a big whole group. Milk laden Cow would be sufficient for a big group. Milk laden Goat would be sufficient for a big family. People would be in this condition then Allah would send fresh and pure soothing breeze which will pass through their armpits and with its effect the souls of each and every Momin and Muslim would be extracted, the wicked and the evil ones would be left out, they would copulate with women openly similar to donkeys and the Qayamah will be established on them.(Muslim)
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 05:29:32 +0000

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