Hd an interesting and a real long day yesterday frm mrng ten right - TopicsExpress


Hd an interesting and a real long day yesterday frm mrng ten right through 8 tl i reachd hme- cmpletely out of fuel. Met an interesting person also @ his place in Dum Dum cantonment area near the central jail crossing- by d name of Mr. Terrance Warton. He was the former Principal of a certain skul in Shyamnagar and he told me that he was the youngest princi ever, just 29, a fresher frm hs BED. I met him coz i hd 2 intervw hm 4 a certain biographical book dat im dng on d lfe and works of a certain famous educationalist and a philantrophist and d founder of 3 Eng med skuls in kol, Barrackpore and Shyamnagar. His name, the late Mr. C. R. Gasper- d wndrfl dad of my dear frnd Richard. Indeed his name, his gud wrks and his soul lives 4 ever in the midst of his edu institution, and in d lives dat he has touchd. To reach Dum Dum was indeed a drag, coz suddenly d clouds burst open and it rained cats and dogs, kittens and puppies, bt it didnt tke away my zeal- coz once i make up my mind 2 do sumthng and meet sumbody i wl do it - cme wht may- even my death, coz i may die dng sumthng worth while. :-)
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 00:45:31 +0000

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