He claims to have prophesized the 2007-2008 post-election violence - TopicsExpress


He claims to have prophesized the 2007-2008 post-election violence that left over 1,000 people dead and displaced hundreds of thousands. He also says he saw the coming of the Westgate Mall attack and the Haiti earthquake, among many other tragedies that have rocked Kenya and the rest of the world. The self-proclaimed prophet is Dr. David Owuor of the Ministry of Repentance and Holiness. He commands a huge following in Kenya and abroad. He has his own chauffer who drives him to his religious rallies. The state provides him tight security, much to the chagrin of a section of Kenyans. The Hague Owuor says that back in 2004 he warned of the post-election violence that would eventually lead its two top leaders – the president and his deputy – to wind up miles away from Kenya, in the dock of the International Criminal Court. On a local TV talk show, Owuor described Kenya’s current situation in The Hague as a result of its sins, its failure to heed God’s call for repentance and holiness. “I spoke about the bloodshed in 2004. I had visions of people heading to refugee camps. Only one newspaper, The Christian Eagle, reported it,” he said. In an interview with Jeff Koinange, a renowned Kenyan journalist and TV host on Kenya Television Network (KTN), Owuor said that he does not believe that the ICC is the solution to the post-election violence. He stated: “I have said it over and over again: the International Criminal Court is not heaven, and only God can solve the Kenyan situation. What Kenyans need to do is repent for their sins.” Owuor instead compared the ICC to the whale that swallowed Jonah in the Bible. He said the ICC is as an avenue that will deliver Kenyans to God, much as Jonah in the Bible was transported to Nineveh via the stomach of a sea mammal. But, so far, Owuor has failed to give his opinion on whether President Kenyatta should appear before the ICC. Perhaps he has not yet had a revelation from God on the current stalemate. Anyway, in his view, religious leaders should take over in Kenya and go back to the drawing board.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 09:04:54 +0000

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