He drank Mountain Dew. He wore skinny jeans almost every day and - TopicsExpress


He drank Mountain Dew. He wore skinny jeans almost every day and his Van Halen shoes. He loved 80s rock music and gradually made me grow to love it too. He always drove a truck and he held my hand every single time we got in it. He loved his family, especially his little brother, more than I ever knew was possible. Every weekend when wed come home from college, the first thing hed do was have a big wrestling match with brodie. He loved running and made it a point to run a couple times a week, but hed always make time to have lazy days or cozy days as hed call it where wed just cuddle, eat pizza, and watch movies all day. He had the biggest movie collection Ive ever seen. I remember when we first met, I was soooo amazed at them all. Haha by the end of it all, he had me watching a new movie every single week, and I loved it. Coming from a family who always pushed me in school and everything else I did, I never had a lot of time to really enjoy the little things. He never cared about how much money we spent doing stuff, but only if we were having a good time or not. Ty taught me to not only appreciate, but love the little things, like when hed surprise me with a random trip to a craftstore since he knew how much I loved scrapbooking or even just driving around and talking. And we did a lotttt of just driving around and talking for the first 2 years we really knew each other. We first met when we were just babies in the baby crawling contest in cherokee. Of course Ty beat me...lol he always was the more athletic one. We didnt meet again until we were 15 and even then all that we said was hey and smiled at each other, but we got each others numbers and started to build a close friendship. The first time he ever picked me up to hang out, he got out of his truck and said hows it goin? in his little tyler bowman country accent and he laughed when all I said was, OMG you have a country accent??! Haha somehow I missed this the first time that we talked, but I swear I loved him from that very moment on. And he swears it was the same for him too. Of course we had to overcome a lotta stuff to finally be together, but when we finally started dating on October 7th, 2011. We were 17 years old, but we both knew deep down that this was how it was supposed to be so we didnt waste any time. Even though it was long distance, my feelings for him were stronger than any other boyfriend who came before him. He told me he loved me after one week and jokingly asked me to marry him not much longer after that. I jokingly said yes not knowing that he would actually ask me this same question just seven months later and have a ring to back it up with. Once college started in August of 2012, we never spent a single day apart. I basically lived in Tys dorm room and the only real time we spent apart was when he went to run. Hed bring me home with him every weekend and make sure that I felt like this was really my home too. He was always worried about me missing my home and my family so hed do his best to make me feel at home in NC. Everytime wed drive back from High Point, at the first sight of any mountains hed always point and say whats that key? and before I could even answer, hed say thats home! He loved the mountains and he loved his hometown so much that he couldnt wait to have our own kids and raise them right there. We wanted to name them Carley and Cory and we talked about them allll the time. He was my best friend, my first real love, and my fiancé. And he died March 9th, 2013 in an ATV accident. For a while, I felt like I died right along with him. We were both just 19 years old, really still just babies ourselves. We didnt get to finish our first year at HPU together. We didnt get to get married that October like we had so hoped and planned or start fixing up the house. We didnt get to transfer to WCU that fall so that we could be at home with brodie more. After everything happened, I didnt take any real time to work through my grief and I really suffered in silence with it. I wanted to forget the bad at the end and was simultaneously terrified I would forget how great the rest was. I spent the whole summer going back and forth between Bryson City and Atlanta and taking multiple vacations with my family and then with Tys family, and when fall came around I transferred to WCU just like me and Ty had planned. I was soo nervous but when I got home from my first day of class, I remember whispering I did it babe. hoping that hed hear me. We were together for only one year and five months and now hes been gone for almost that same amount of time. We didnt have a lot of time together but we made the best out of every second we were given. Too many things have changed this past year and Ive grown up a lot. I grew my hair out super long and then cut it all off, I learned how to do a lot more housework, I went back to school and things are really going good, and most importantly I have the best boyfriend, group of friends, and family anyone could ever ask for. Theyve stood by me through this crazy year and I know I wouldnt have been able to make it without them. I still think about Ty almost every single day, whether its hearing him telling me to calm down and take a break from my hw because he knows that Ill get it done or even if its just passing by Nabers and remembering all the time we spent there so he could get a cheeseburger and a big cherry lemon Mountain Dew. For a long time, I felt like I existed in some sort of parallel universe, waiting for him to come back. Only in the past few months have I started to feel like Im really living for myself again. Sometimes I worry that Im too different, that he wouldnt be in love with me if he saw me now. Then I think, Im different because he loved me.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 14:29:48 +0000

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