He is FIGHTING for our RIGHTS to HEAL our self with , VITAMINS, - TopicsExpress


He is FIGHTING for our RIGHTS to HEAL our self with , VITAMINS, HERBS, ORGANIC FOOD etc CONSTITUTION COMMON LAW RIGHT from KING HENRY V111, FDA Murdered 60,000 with VIOXX, FDA MURDER 290 each DAY, Please Send this Around the World, NWO, WTO, MONSANTO communist ILLUMINATI Controlled FDA(( (Big PHARMA Pill Sellers))) Attacking a MAN with a CURE, gofundme/mmsdefensefund , EVIL JUDGE is Playing PROSECUTOR from the BENCH, FDA Approved FLUORIDE is RAT POISON, FDA Approved MSG its INSECT KILLER , Fluoride Plugs up ends of BRAIN NEURONS MSG causes ADD and ADHD it causes Ends of BRAIN NEURONS to Explode, see 35 Science Studies and 40 Video Warning that FLUORIDE Causes CANCER, KIDNEY FAILURE and More FluorideAlert.org, and NEURO SURGEON Dr RUSSELL BLAYLOCK videos youtu.be/tTSvlGniHok, Someone Dies every 14 Minutes from a FDA Approved Drug, MAIL AFFIDAVIT Directly to Daniel if you have used MMS with Good Results, EVIL PROSECUTOR HID Affidavits sent to Him FDA and DOCTORS with DRUG DEALER Pill PUSHERS known as NWO, WTO wont to TREAT of Over and over and OVER Never Heal for MONEY Its time to Take a Stand Folks and this is a WORTHY CAUSE, I Served America 71/2 Years Overseas and I have Spent the Past 5 Years trying to Wake People up too the EVIL that has Taken over AMERICA , Watch Video FIAT EMPIRE they have Stole TRILLIONS In just 20 Years they BANK RUPT America they now Own All the LAND your DEED is Just a Deed of Trust, FIAT EMPIRE: Why the Federal Reserve Violates the U.S. Constitution, youtu.be/5K41O2QfpjA, , Also see How to take back Control of America Start a GRAND JURY in Every County, Power of the Grand Jury - In a stunning 6 to 3 decision Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for the majority, confirmed that the American grand jury is neither part of the judicial, executive nor legislative branches of government, but instead belongs to the people. It is in effect a fourth branch of government governed and administered to directly by and on behalf of the American people, and its authority emanates from the Bill of Rights, see United States -v- Williams. nationallibertyalliance.org/comment/1169… After the NWO Bank Rupt America they Started a New JUDICIAL SYSTEM called the UCC, they let this World Wide Juridical Take over our CONSTITUTION LAW, You can Still Challenge JURISDICTION and Demand COMMON LAW Court If we would take back Control of our MONEY SYSTEM we could put 30 to 50 Million Americans to Work on One LARGE PROJECT Work that Would Last over 40 Years, Release Many FREE ENERGIES Hidden From us, Our Founding Fathers got Upset over a 2percent Sales Tax, Today we are Taxed Around 40% Their are Many CURES for CANCER the MAFIA COMMUNIST ILLUMINATI New World Order Makes BILLIONS off of the EVIL MEDICAL SYSTEM Juice and Blend LIVE FOOD its Good for us Cooked Food is DEAD Bush could of PREVENTED 9/11 Indicted NSA Thomas Drake Several Whistle Blowers Indicted for Telling about the EVIL Breaking of LAW Says BUSH , HADEN others KNOWING Violate CONSTITUTION youtu.be/91XZDRsA29A MUST SEE !!! The FDA meets Dr Burzynski from Burzynski Cancer CURE Center. youtu.be/CwLipIKDwCA Proven Cancer Cure vs Corruption of The United States Government youtu.be/TrqxAHIHXuU Cancer: The Forbidden Cures https://youtube/watch?v=km2cqQNFtEs Recently I took my DOGS we Treat like Family Members in to VET for a Check up, Results they are REALLY GOOD Shape, my 14 Year Old Bull Dog His Type Should of DIED 7 Years ago 7 to 10 Years is their Life Expectancy Why is he So HEALTHY ?? I give him Silver Water I make myself and MMS, When he gets so He is Having a Hard time Walking I give Him a Shot from 1/2 to 1 cc Pure Activated MMS, and in a Couple of Hours He Starts Running , Others Bring me their Pets and get Same Results NO CHARGE. Iam 67 years Old NO ARTHRITIS and I can still do a Good Days Physical Work , I see People Yonger than me having a Hard time Walking ??? Maybe they shuld take Herbs, MMS and SILVER WATER this is what they give ASTRONAUTS when they send them into Space 1938 Same Year BANKERS took over our JUDICIAL with UCC Codes < Policies and Ordinances they Started the EVIL FDA, CODES are FALSELY Call LAWS only The CONSTITUTION Bill of Rights and Amendments is REAL LAW, Any Code, Ordinance or So Called Law that Violates the CONSTITUTION is not Law see MARBURY V. MADISON See Carl Milller Know your CONSTITUTION Videos, Richard Cornforth THE LEGAL INDUSTRY Videos , Former JUDGE Richard Fine Videos you can DEMAND JURISDICTION under COMMON LAW, Do not TRUST LAWYERS youtu.be/ziCTNkV3FBI They will only use Retired FEDERAL EMPLOYEES on Jury in Federal Court their is a way to get a LIST of All Retired Federal Employees in Tacoma Area, Daniel Needs to Spend $10.000.00 Advertise in Paper, Announce on Radio Send a FLYER to With many of the Signts Listing TESTIMONIALS from Use of MMS, Woman in Mexico in the Bed for 18 years took MMS for two weeks got out of BED 2 weeks Later after 18 Years She went BACK to WORK etc etc If JUDGE is a CATHOLIC He needs to Recuse Himself , KING HENRY V111 Over Rode the Catholic Priest and Allowed people to be Treated with HERBS, Etc He put the EVIL PRIEST to DEATH to DEATH that was Making MONEY for the EVIL DOCTORS MOTION in Court HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF Since the JUDGE RULED from the BENCH Daniel is a SOVEREIGN CITIZEN which is a OXYMORON a Citizen is a SLAVE Blacks Law , if DANIEL is a SOVEREIGN then he has a RIGHT to be JUDGED by His PEERS a Man In CALIFORNIA Demanded Only SOVEREIGNS they could not find 12 so the Judge thru the Case Out He can Site this Case see William Wagner Post the man Name was CHARLIE SPRINKLE Evil Judge in Tacoma said Daniel was a SOVEREIGN Charlie Sprinkle Demanded a Trial jury trial by SOVEREIGNS in CAL they could not find 12 SOVEREIGNS so the Judge Thru the Case out , https://youtube/watch?v=VfGrm4_U_L8... For the LOVE of YOUR CHILDREN and COUNTRY Please Copy and Forward Around the World Type one Letter on Youtube and then you can Post this whole Post Curing Autism with MMS https://youtube/watch?v=UcTMge7MOH8
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 02:50:33 +0000

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