He makes a very good point, though: Correlation is not causation - TopicsExpress


He makes a very good point, though: Correlation is not causation (I sneezed and the light burned out, but that doesnt mean my sneeze caused it to burn out, or that the light caused me to sneeze.) So if you go looking for more information, as I did, there are a lot of articles out there misinterpreting the studys conclusions for that reason, claiming that the study saying it DOES kill you, when the study does NOT say that. I also got the feeling the critical articles didnt read the study very closely--as in they skimmed it and reacted to incomplete information. Also, one of the biggest and angriest articles I found criticizing this is someone who is the editor of Dairy Today, so of course it would upset him. Which then made him not really read the information in an impartial way. But I post it here because its still interesting and something to consider. Here is a Washington Post article, that has a link to the British Journal of Medicine. You can create a temporary account to read the full article in .PDF format. washingtonpost/news/to-your-health/wp/2014/10/31/study-milk-may-not-be-very-good-for-bones-or-the-body/
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 14:42:25 +0000

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