He resisted arrest ! So Pete King wants to Know ... What was Big - TopicsExpress


He resisted arrest ! So Pete King wants to Know ... What was Big Fat Eric Garner thinking ? He was thinking screw these liberal politicians and their confiscatory cigarette taxes ! , Ill just head down to North Carolina and stock up and go into business for myself on a NY city street corner since I have a family to support and there aint no Jobs because of these Liberal politician A-holes chasing every business out of town with their Confiscatory corporate taxation . Eric Garner thought to himself , The only thing I know is I need to earn a living even though they prop up crazy tax laws like the tyrants they are , so screw them ..Ill continue on with an illicit Cigarette business as long as I can until the Liberal masters send their Lap Dogs out to collect their taxes .... You see folks , none of this had to happen at all , and Eric Garner didnt have to Die or pay his taxes with his LIFE if Liberals in our political structures like Bill de Blasio and Pete King werent out for blood on their Confiscatory tax collection, SURE ...Its okay for a Mugger or a Murderer to attack you on that same city street since they dont care beans about that , but if you dont pay their taxes they will do everything just short of attacking you with a nuclear weapon in order to arrest you for the tax evasion, and they would even see you killed for it and make excuses about you being too fat .. because without that collected tax money they cant ever possibly pay their Union Cronies or fund their ridiculous retirement programs or proceed with anymore profligate spending on their pet programs ... So if you evade their taxes they will surely see to it that you are murdered by their hit men, however if you were to commit a murder they would also see to it that you are pampered and treated more kindly and fairly in jail with the taxes they collect from We the Suckers which they can and will murder us for than the person you may have just murdered for a measly ten cents....just as long as you agree to pay their taxes on the cigarettes which they are going to be selling you in prison ! Its not about Justice Folks , Its not about being too fat to breathe , its about collecting Taxes , and their liberal political regulations that would turn You and I and every innocent American into an Al Capone in the face of their policies of extended poverty. Its all about the Tax !
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 12:19:28 +0000

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