“He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness - TopicsExpress


“He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His names sake.” Psalm 23:3 (NKJV) The power of this particular psalm of David can only be known and understood if one is personally acquainted with the shepherd. It is not enough to know Him as a shepherd; or as the shepherd; but we must be able to echo the sentiments of David and declare before heaven and earth that the Lord is “my” shepherd. The truth of the matter is that many know the psalm yet never come to know the shepherd in a most personal and intimate way. Jesus, in John 10:27 spoke directly to this very unique relationship between the sheep and the shepherd. “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them and they follow me.” Jesus is the true shepherd, the good shepherd, and the shepherd that knows His sheep. The word “restores” in the original text is far stronger than what it appears on the surface. Here it literally means “He brings back my soul”. It is the picture of the parable of The Lost Sheep. Sheep by nature, unlike many other animals, are easy to go astray. They will drift away from the fold for no apparent reason and when they do, they cannot find their way back home. That is why the shepherd is willing to leave the sheepfold to find the one sheep that may be lost. No matter how far we stray or how long we stay the love of the shepherd quickens His desire to “bring back our soul.” There are also times when the sheep is in the fold but finds itself cast. When a sheep is “cast” it has fallen over on its back and because of the fragile nature of its legs is unable to right itself. When this occurs there is the danger of carbon dioxide accumulating in the bloodstream of the sheep which will ultimately lead to its demise. To avoid this possible mishap the shepherd slowly yet ever so carefully, looks over the sheepfold to find any that are cast down. He then reaches down and “restores” the sheep to its upright position. The application here is quite apparent. Whether we have wondered from the fold or are cast down among the fold, there are times when we all need to be restored. David’s statement of personal experience in the text has universal implications. We have all strayed from the loving presence of the shepherd. There are times that we find ourselves so far away that we cannot hear His voice or we are cast in life, trying desperately to make it on our own. Yet, Jesus Christ; the Great Shepherd of the sheep compassionately and relentlessly brings back our soul. Savior lead us lest we stray.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 10:44:11 +0000

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