He(saw) said that THE HOUR WILL COME ALL OF A SUDDEN - TopicsExpress


He(saw) said that THE HOUR WILL COME ALL OF A SUDDEN WITHOUT YOU EVEN REALIZING IT!!!, BEFORE A TRANSACTION TAKES PLACE ,THE HOUR WILL COME!!!!! and Allah (SWT) will order Angel Israfil(AS) to Blow through the Horn!!,One Ring of the Horn is Bigger than the East and West put together!!!!. This Angel is such that His Eyes Are Fixed On the Throne of the Creator!!!..This Angel is such that he Does not Blink!! WHY????? Fearing that he Will Miss the Command of Allah!!! and when He Blows through the Horn, EVERYTHING IN THIS DUNYA WILL COME TO AN END!!!! The hadith of Abu Huraira states that THE EARTH WILL SHAKE IN SUCH A MANNER!!! Allahu Akbar!! Allahu Akbar!! Allahu Akbar!!...It will be like a Vassal in the Middle of the Ocean getting battered by Tornadoes!!!!!...You will see a Mother who carries an Unborn child, when she Hears the Sound of the Horn,she will miscarry her baby!!!!!...The Sound of the Horn is soo terrifying that a child is Only 10 yrs/15 yrs/16 yrs old, his/her face will turn Wrinkly!!!,the hair will turn WHITE!!! he/she will look like a person who is over 100 years Why???? BECAUSE THIS IS THE DAY OF RECKONING!!!!!!!!! Brothers and Sister in ISLAM,when this is taking place,the mother whose got a child.On that day, she wont remember she has a child!!!! Why??? Because of the SOUND OF THE HORN!!!!!....The sound of the Horn is soo terrifying that you will see Mankind will be in a Drunken State but in Reality they wont be Drunk!!!!! ...The hadith Of Abu Huraira states that SHAYTAN AND HIS ARMY WILL BEGIN TO RUN TO HIDE!!!!!! But the Quran says ON THAT DAY,THERE IS NO REFUGE!!!!! ......Mankind will look Above and will see the sky looks like the Black Filth of Oil, it will crack piece by piece!!!! The earth beneath will crack piece by piece!!!!!!..The Ocean will be on FIRE!!! on that day and will explode from their places!!!!!!! Allahu Akbar (picture this in ur mind)..The Stars will lose their Shine and they will come crashing down!!!!!!! and there will be Darkness EveryWhere!!! and when there is Darkness everywhere,nothing will remain.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 07:18:22 +0000

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