He that LOVES silver shall NOT be SATISFIED with SILVER; nor he - TopicsExpress


He that LOVES silver shall NOT be SATISFIED with SILVER; nor he that LOVES ABUNDANCE with INCREASE: this is also VANITY. When GOODS INCREASE, they are INCREASED that eat them: and what good is there to the OWNERS thereof, except the BEHOLDING of them with their EYES? (Ecclesiastes 5:10)… No matter how much the PROSPERITY DOCTRINE PREACHERS and FALSE PROPHETS proclaim that God wants to BLESS all His PEOPLE with WEALTH and MATERIALISM, the Bible lets us KNOW that those THINGS do not and cannot SATISFY. The very MOST that WEALTH and MATERIALISM can do in this life is SOW to the FLESH. It can do NOTHING to GROW, MATURE, or ENHANCE the SPIRIT within that draws us CLOSER to God. So after we’ve CHASED AFTER, PURSUED, and PANTED after all the FINERY of RICHES, the MOST ENJOYMENT we can receive from them is in our VIEWING! They may be PLEASANT to the EYES, and ENJOYABLE to the FLESH, but they have NO FURTHER VALUE for anyone than this. Of course, no doubt you’ll acquire more PEOPLE wanting to be your FRIENDS to help you CONSUME what you have. All in all, however, the Bible calls it VANITY because it only SOWS to the FLESH. You cannot take it with you at DEATH, nor do you know how it’ll be USED or SQUANDERED after you’re gone. God hasn’t CALLED any of US to PURSUE after VANITY, so He certainly hasn’t ANOINTED anyone to PREACH that we ALL should be WEALTHY or MATERIALISTICALLY RICH in His Kingdom here on earth. In fact, “Let us HEAR the CONCLUSION of the WHOLE matter: ‘FEAR God, and KEEP His COMMANDMENTS: for this is the WHOLE DUTY of man’” (Ecclesiastes 12:13). NOT for us to LIVE WEALTHY and in MATERIAL ABUNDANCE!!!
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 13:41:05 +0000

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