He that keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep Psalm 121:4. - TopicsExpress


He that keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep Psalm 121:4. God is good. I was inside the church last June 27 with at least 2kindergarten parents before me and 2 church staffs 1at my back where I seated with a cabinet more or less 4 inches and 1 at me left side with the table that serves as a cubicle for church office at the corner before going to the mezzanine floor. I was confronting the issue of a false allegation alluding a similar description about a person who had allegedly stolen money and the person from Sta. Fe who came to me as a registered guidance counselor and a PH.d in psychology & Guidance. The man then took neuro psychiatric evaluation between 10-12noon. The basis that they alluded to be the perpetrator was the description of the parent and the observation of one of the church staffs to be similar and since the person who came for neuro examination just focus and not looking or trying to loo around. When one of the church staffs called me and informed me about it, I defy the possibility that he can do it and i even told the person who came 4neuro is a methodist member. I was very indignant during the confrontation because they insist that a theft took place at kiddie kingdom to the point tat I insisted to them, I personally verified at. Kiddie kingdom and they denied the incidence of theft. One of the kinder parents saw my CP and someone handed it over to the church staff. I bought a new 1 since a family friend called up between 8-9am and replied that the custody of the cp is not already me. Upon the info the kinder parents gave, I asked the church staff but she vehemently denied so I asked her companion the one standing at my back and feeder of the wrong allegation also denied. I then went to bambang police station to blatter the incident. After praying, The Lord lead me to open the drawer of the table where our staff is so negligent of her responsibility who left her post without asking permission to me as her immediate supervisor whether verbally or thru text left the church property in her account open and to my surprise and gladness my cp was at the lowest ebb of one of the drawers. God is good and He neither slumber nor sleeps.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 21:35:02 +0000

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