He then walked quietly up the creaky steps heading to his bedroom - TopicsExpress


He then walked quietly up the creaky steps heading to his bedroom and he began to read Pages of this book he got from his School Library. He then suddenly felt all of his insecurities Slowly drifting away like the wind. But while reading this ancient-looking book, Frank Never realised it had much more to offer than protection and securities. He carried on reading this crimson red book and in a split second his whole body began to shake, due to What he had just witnessed within the pages. ‘Frank this is your special moment, Come join me! Come! I have been waiting for your Presence’ Frank Dracen started to rub his eyes with such a confusion of not believing what he had just Witnessed.... “What the f___!” Frank said to himself in a denial state of shock. Then within a Split second the message quickly disappeared into thin air. He decided to go to the bathroom And freshen himself up while still trembling, the temperature began to drop drastically and in A flash of time the room started to freeze over. Within a matter of seconds, strong, gale force winds began to quake in the entire building, by Now Frank began to appear in a hideous rash on his face, which didn’t help his confidence Whatsoever the scenario lasted for about three minutes, destroying everything in its path, Apart from that little ancient red book......READ MORE from this popular supernatural short story AT anthonycrowleysworld.wordpress featuring more stories and tales and illustrations... AC #author #artist #anthonycrowley #stories #articles #supernatural #gothic #horror #fantasy #life #blog #books #literature
Posted on: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 00:17:46 +0000

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