He wants us to learn how to behold His Face as we - TopicsExpress


He wants us to learn how to behold His Face as we minister (scripture references at bottom) All revelation comes from His Face. Revelation is seeing through Gods eyes. Revelation is reading the Word through Gods eyes Revelation is Discerning of spirits operating when you look at an oppressed person. Revelation is Word of Wisdom when you look at a situation. Revelation is seeing anything as God sees it. When you see His Face with the eyes of your Heart, You can see as He sees. No one under the Old Covenant could behold His Face and live. Those of the New Covenant can not only behold His Face and live, but since we are IN Christ, and are now inside of God (Col 3:3), we are BEHIND His Face. And if you are behind His Face, you can see through His Eyes. Seeing through His Eyes is seeing from the Perspective of Heaven. Seeing through His Eyes is seeing all things through the Finished Work of the Cross. Seeing through His Eyes is seeing through the eyes of a Victor. That is what having the Mind of Christ means. Because what you see in life you do not see with your eyes, but with your mind. You mind is the true filter of how you see things. Your eyes only present an image to your mind to interpret. And He wants us to interpret all things as He does. He sees the sick as Healed. He sees the dead as asleep. He sees the enemy as defeated. The entrance of Gods Word gives light. (Psalm 119:130) In His Light, we SEE light. (Ps 36:9) In His Light WE SEE REVELATION. In His Light WE SEE AS HE SEES. Jesus saw all things with the eyes of His Spirit. Jesus saw all things through the Fathers eyes. Jesus judged no situation by what He saw with His natural eyes. That is why He knew exactly what to say every time. Because the Father always knows what to say. He sees all things as they really are. And because we can see with His eyes, we can see all things as they really are as well. Walking by faith and not by sight is walking by His sight and not by our sight. What He says in His Word is what He sees. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God, because Hearing His Word causes you to begin to see things through His Eyes more and more. He sees the end from the beginning. Jesus says Jairus daughter waking up before He ever met Jairus. Jesus saw Lazarus standing outside of His Tomb before Mary and Martha sent for Him. Jesus saw Himself resurrected before He even went to the Cross. When you see through the Fathers eyes, it is EASY to walk in Great Faith. When you see through the Fathers eyes, it is EASY to raise the dead. He sees all things according to His ability. With God ALL things are possible. The Father says: As you fill your hearts with My Word by saying it, you will begin to see things through My Eyes more and more. You will begin to see all things through Heavens perspective. You will begin to walk and minister as My Son Jesus walked and ministered. There will be no limit to what I can do through you, when you learn to see through My Eyes. Jesus says: I am not only your example of how to live, but how to minister. This is the season My Brothers and Sisters become fully manifest to the world. When I begin to walk and talk and minister through them with complete freedom. Where I raise many, many, many from the dead. Restore many, many, many missing limbs. Where I do things never seen on earth through My Dearly loved Brothers and Sisters. And is through these mighty miracles I will draw untold numbers to Myself, so that they can be saved. Holy Spirit says: I always do all things in agreement with the Word. As you fill your hearts with Gods Word by saying it, you will begin to walk in perfect agreement with The Father AND the Son. I will begin to flow through you in levels you have never seen. And I will cause Mighty miracles on a scale you have never thought possible to be made manifest in your lives and ministries. For this is the season that the Bride arises. And just as the Bridegroom walking in mighty victory over the enemy, so shall His Bride. Scripture References 2 Cor 4:6 For God, who said, Let light shine out of darkness, made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. John 5:19 Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing John 5:30 By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just Isaiah 11:3, 4 He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears with his ears but with righteousness he will judge the needy, with justice he will give decisions (via Jeffrey Stewart)
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 18:56:47 +0000

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