He was a beloved jokester who I willingly let steal my childhood. - TopicsExpress


He was a beloved jokester who I willingly let steal my childhood. He made the world a simpler place and allowed us all to see the magical healing powers of happiness, joy, and laughter - sadly, the only person he could not convince of this was himself. With the passing of a childhood superhero comedian, Id like to say a few things on the topic of depression and suicide (the latter not being verified yet, but discussion on it is a topic worth our time). Depression is a real issue that hits a lot of us at one time or another in life - its not just sadness. Its not just moping. Its not just Life sucks. Its not being able to get up in the morning because you feel like nothing you do matters. Its believing that the misery will never end. Its assuming that the sadness is permanent. Its not being able to make a decision because any choice made is doomed for failure. Some of us are lucky enough to know were dealing with it and put a name to it, others are not. I agree with some of you who wish well by saying, please, if you need help, dont hesitate to ask for it. On the other hand, I think on a more fundamental level, its imperative that as a society, more is done to bring awareness to the prevalence of depression through education to ensure the stigma will be lifted. Dont write people off. Its hard to ask for help when you dont know you need it. Its also hard when you realise you do, and believe no one will care to listen. Yes, we are all busy, but in staying within our own bubbles and ignoring others cries for help, we are complicit in the perpetuation. These cries are not always loud, no hands raised in the air for defeat - they are often hushed whimpers, fleeing sighs, and muffled chokes from the pain. This is not to say we should be on constant alert for signs, but solely that we can do more to think beyond ourselves. Reach out. Dont wait to be asked for help - be the person who offers help and checks in. Everything may appear to be stellar on the outside, like with Robin Williams, but inside we could be falling apart. It only takes one unequivocal clear statement of trust to help others see your sincerity. RIP genie. Ps. This is only my individual account on depression/suicide, taken from personal bouts with the demon, blended in with the courses I have taken in the arena, and stories of others that I have been blessed to have heard. Pss. If youre wondering whether its appropriate to ask a friend/loved one if theyre okay, consider this - would you rather have them gone permanently from your life or mad at you temporarily? Theyll thank you later.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 16:07:00 +0000

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