He who has ear, let him hear! The number of unemployed Nigerian - TopicsExpress


He who has ear, let him hear! The number of unemployed Nigerian youth continues to rise by their thousands every year. History they say repeats itself. Our leaders have refused to heed the words of wisdom. They are blinded by their greed and selfishness. The situation is Nigeria is a ticking time bomb with nobody aware when the countdown will get to 0:00. The jobless and angry youth are getting more and more disenchanted with their situation and our leaders are surprisingly not taking note. Imagine what would happen if the number of people that turned out at the various NIS recruitment centers, instead decided to turn up at the Government Houses? The leaders of Tunisia fell, then Egypt followed, and Libya etc because they refused to heed the cries of the youth. They were so confident in themselves and their army but their greatest strength turned out to be their greatest weakness. God loves Nigeria so much that despite the arrant nonsense happening here, nobody has yet reacted. Samuel Doe didnt go down with his money and lions, Idi Amin ended up as a stanger in a foreign land, so did Mobutu sesesekou. They were once powerful men who refused to listen to anybody. Most of them cried like babies before they died. Dictatorship or no dictatorship, these people refused to listen to words of wisdom and turned their eyes away from the handwriting on the wall. What all these men had in common was deaf ears. I pray against bloodshed because someones blood will be shed and nobody knows whom. I pray for God to open the ears of our leaders now that nothing has happened. It is not late to set the path straight. Let our leaders summon the smart and talented young men in this country let them plan the future of this country. Let these smart guys lay the foundations for real economic development, real job creation and not paper job creation, let the smart guys do what needs to be done to get Nigeria back on track as the Giant of Africa. My dear leaders, talents are wasting, brains are being drained, Nigerian might is fading into oblivion, the youth are angry and restless, the economy is hopeless, the system is broken and the only we can boast of right now is corruption, insensitivity, selfishness and deceit. Our leaders, you have made some good money, others are dying in pitiable poverty. These people have the same rights as you, but you are responsible for their poor fate. After reading this my leaders, call a meeting of the people responsible for this mayhem in Nigeria and tell them to stop their greed. Greed leads to disaster. Let the cabals causing problems make a u-turn and earn money by providing services and not denying services. Let them earn money by engaging in things that uplift the lives of Nigerians. Every country has a cabal of some sort, but they are positive cabals that contribute to the development of their country by their actions. They earn a living by competing to provide services. The bulk of the Nigerian citizenry are not greedy, they just want a decent living and an ability to get married, raise a family and provide a decent life for their family. These cabals can still earn money making sure the dreams of hard working Nigerians are realized and nobody will even know they are there. The way Nigerians are being treated is unfair and rather wicked. Nature said what goes around, comes back right around! would the cabals see the youth as wicked when what they were doing to the youth comes back to hunt them? My dear leaders and people in power, heed the words of wisdom and understand the hand writings all over the walls of Nigeria. A word is enough for the wise. May the souls of our fallen citizens on the NIS recruitment day rest in perfect peace. Dont worry our late brothers and sisters, you have paid the supreme price, and Nigerians wont forget you!
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 19:57:30 +0000

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