He would be a political revelation, unlike the expected, the - TopicsExpress


He would be a political revelation, unlike the expected, the usual, the customary. He is said to possess a superior intellect while failing to offer a single utterance that bears a remote resemblance to original thought. His oratory skills have been touted as among the best of all time, yet where Demosthenes placed pebbles in his mouth to stop a stutter, Obama relies on a teleprompter, lest he stammer and stumble with ever more frequency as if chewing on pebbles. By his own words, he suggested he was the one we have been waiting for, as if Messianic in nature. He would lower the oceans and temper the climate. In addition to such Herculean tasks, Joe and Mary Sixpack would not see a dime in new taxes. The deficit would be halved by the end of his first term, his number one priority would be jobs, he would reach across Party lines. Along the way, he has made the most dire of predictions, of which none have been proven true. On sequestration cuts, he intimated that life as we know it, might cease. On Obamacare, the utterances were many, all of such wonderment, and all have been proven to be braced by repeated lies, period. Rather than work across Party lines, something any open-eyed observer knew to be a non-starter as it was never an undertaking during his previous pay grades, he instead, leads a chorus that stamps the other side as racists and uncaring extremists who have offered nothing but obstacles. The new dime in taxes Joe and Mary would not see, has become a bag full of dimes. I suppose, borrowing from him, if you dont like your new taxes, you still have to keep them, period. The spending madness he railed against as a Candidate, has further exploded. The IRS scandal he called an outrage, he later called a phony scandal. And now, with daily details coming out on the VA and unacceptable treatment of those who have served, he is according to his Chief of Staff, madder than hell. Excuse me here if I dont buy that anymore than we thought he was actually outraged over the IRS scandal. After all, this is a man who would not spike the football following the elimination of bin Laden, and then two weeks later, engaged in an end zone celebration that would draw a flag if done in the NFL. Simply put, the veracity of the man is not questionable, it does not exist. He has no credibility, period. That he lacks it owes to his own words, proven to be lies or at best, distortions, and to his actions, many of which are perverse. Not a word on the death of US Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry who fell victim to the empty-headed scheme known as Fast and Furious, but he did order the Flag lowered after Whitney Houston fell to her own designs. With smoke still spiraling in Benghazi, rather than do what was right, what was proper and respectful, he jetted off to Vegas, a city he once told us to avoid, so he might dance away the night with the rich types he bristles against, unless of course, they are his friends and donors. At every step in 5 plus years, when if only the appearance of being Presidential was called for, he was far less than, often hitting the links rather than offering a word. It took him almost 4 weeks to say, if he said it or even feels it, he is madder than hell over the erupting VA matter, yet within minutes, even before the cake icing could be wiped away, he offered congratulations to Michael Sam, the first openly gay football player ever drafted. He enthusiastically sided with The Wall Street Whiners, a collection of child molesters, rapists, murderers, petty thieves, thugs, druggies, dropouts, anarchists and socialists, as did most of his Party, which like him, sees all evils in The Tea Party, a collection whose membership is 60% Veterans. He shouldered up with Sandra Fluke, who like many of his base, has an expectation of largesse born by the efforts of others. He spoke of income redistribution long before a run for the Presidency, and now rants about income inequality (income redistributive policies are inseparable from ending income inequality, in other words, like Fluke, your efforts, the sweat quity of your brow, is to be shared with those who sweat only because of the weather). He is of course, Barack Hussein Obama, wannabe President who has never failed to be lacking as President, mostly because he is as full of self and dogma as is humanly possible. Perhaps more so. That is who and what Obama is: a billboard for failure, a megaphone for nonsense, an endorsement of twisted priorities and a launching pad for lies. Period.
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 01:17:00 +0000

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