Heading For Extinction E. T. Brother Author`s Note This is - TopicsExpress


Heading For Extinction E. T. Brother Author`s Note This is my last animals trying to take over the world story. It has been a fun and silly series to write, and I hope its been a fun series to read. At the end of, When Pigs Fly, I wrote that the worst threat ever still lay ahead, and it was coming on Christmas, with the intention of wiping mankind out, not ruling them. I had no clue what the threat was, but I knew it was going to have to be big, and it ended up being big. I knew the final story in this series needed to be a doozy, I believe it is, its ending with a bang. The final story is a doozy, all the animals on the planet are uniting, to wipe mankind off the planet. Hang on tight, it`s going to be a vicious, white knuckle ride. The world is going up in flames, mankind may become the new extinct species, things may never be the same again. One final note. This story didnt turn out to be as funny as the others, it was more serious. I like the story, I think it is a good story, but it isnt as funny as the others. I did what I always do though, I followed the story. The story always dictates where it is headed, I just follow it wherever it goes. Now on with the story. **** I was in my secret underground bunker on Christmas Eve, with no clue that anything was amiss. My computers had been silent since the pigs had been defeated on Thanksgiving, so I was caught completely off guard by what happened next. The alarms began to go off in my bunker, I ran over to the computer console, punched a code in, and I was stunned by what came up on the screens. The world was in complete chaos, people were stampeding through the streets. I stared at the carnage before me, in utter disbelief, trying to comprehend what I was seeing. All the animals on the planet had united, they were slaughtering people by the thousands. The animals had gone wild, they were acting insane, and it seemed that they were unstoppable. I sat where I was for a few moments, looking from screen to screen, trying to figure out how they had made their plans without being detected. I had had absolutely no warning whatsoever that they were even going to attack. As I sat there watching, I realized the animals couldnt be stopped at this point, or if they could be then many people would be lost forever, so I began to prepare to go back in time. I began to pull up all the footage of everything that had been recorded over the last month, so that when I got back in time, I would be able to study it all, and figure out how the animals had planned this without being detected. As I prepared everything, getting ready to go back in time, I watched the monitors. Most of the cities were completely annihilated, in a short time, it was hard to comprehend the speed in which it took place. When I had everything together, I grabbed my computer, walked to the time machine, and set the time to the day after Thanksgiving. I got in the time machine, the door slid shut, and the machine began to hum. There was a blinding white light, I traveled back in time. When the time machine shut down, I got out, and got to work. I knew I had to work fast, because I didnt have much time, mankind was depending on me more than ever. If I failed, mankind would become extinct, I couldn`t mess around. The first thing that I did, was go take a nap. I had a whole month to get everything done, after all, and I was tired. If I didnt get everything done, then I could always go back in time, so I actually had all the time in the world. Mankind is important, dont get me wrong, but my nap is more important. Mankind could wait, my nap couldnt, so dont get started with that mumbo-jumbo nonsense about I didnt have time for a nap. When I got up from my nap, I set up all the footage on different screens, and began to watch it. I went through everything, over the next few days, and didnt find a thing. I was at a loss, I was completely stumped, I began to wonder if this whole thing had been orchestrated by someone. It made no sense at all, that all the animals would be working together, that they had united, but they had not gotten together to plan it. I decided to watch the footage of the attacks, to see if I could find something useful. I watched all the footage, but I didnt find anything useful. I worked feverishly, over the next several weeks, trying to find something, because I knew time was growing short, mankind was heading for extinction. I knew I had to find something, or mankind would be wiped out. I was determined not to allow that to happen. The day before Christmas Eve, I finally got the break that Id been looking for, it came while I was watching footage of the attacks for about the hundredth time. It was actually a lucky break for me, I saw a brief flash of something in the sky, but that was all I needed. I was watching footage from New York, one of the animals, I believe it was a monkey, hit the camera, and the camera broke off. As the camera fell to the ground, it tumbled over, and pointed up at the sky briefly, before it hit the ground and broke. I saw a flash, in that brief moment that the camera was pointed at the sky, so I rewound it. When the camera pointed up at the sky, I paused the footage, and got an answer to a question that has been ask for centuries. The question that I got answered was this, is there life in space? The answer to that question is, yes there is, and they seemed to be determined to wipe mankind out, to make us extinct. What I saw in the sky, in that brief moment, was a spaceship. I quickly took control of the cameras all over the world, pointed them skyward, and was stunned by what I saw. There were spaceships in the sky, over all the big cities, all over the world. I began to realize what must have occurred, the aliens have been in control of the animals. The animals had not made plans to unite against mankind, they had been controlled. I knew I didnt have a moment to waste, so I went and took a nap, I was really tired, after all. Id been working for days, without sleep, I was exhausted. I knew I could travel back in time, if I didnt get everything done, plus I was up against something that I had no clue how to defeat, so I needed time to think about what I needed to do. By the way, I think much better after a nap, my mind just works better. When I woke up from my nap, the answer came to me, I knew what I needed to do. I also knew that I didnt have enough time to do it before the animals attacked, so I was going to have to travel back in time, again, to have enough time to prepare for Christmas Eve. With that being decided, I grabbed my computer, and walked over to the time machine. I set the date to the day after Thanksgiving, got in the time machine, and the door slid shut. The time machine began to hum, there was a blinding white light, and I traveled back in time. When I got back in time, I got out of the time machine, and got to work. I knew what I needed to do, to defeat the aliens, and I began making preparations. I discovered how the aliens had controlled the animals, and I found a way to take control of it. Christmas Eve finally arrived, and I was ready, or so I thought. I knew it was going to be a tough battle ahead, the aliens weren`t going to give up without a fight, but I had a secret weapon that they didnt know about. Okay, I didnt have a secret weapon, but it sounded good so I went with it. I didnt have a secret weapon, but I was unknown to the aliens, or they didnt know where I was, so it amounted to the same thing. If the aliens had known where I was, then they wouldve taken me out in the first attack. I was unknown to the aliens, they had no clue what I would do, but I knew exactly what the aliens had done before, so I knew what they would do this time as well. The aliens began their attack, just as they had done before, and the alarms began to go off in the bunker. I began to punch codes into the computer console. When the aliens turned on their mind control devices, to take control of the animals, the animals began to move toward all the cities of the world, to begin their attacks. As soon as I started up my machines, the animals stopped, because I had taken control of the aliens mind control devices. The aliens thought that there device were still operational, so they did nothing. I then began to broadcast the leaders of the world, that we were under attack, and they responded at once. I sent them the location of all the spaceships, and the worlds military went into action. The fighting was brutal and intense, it lasted for several days, and losses were high on both sides. I watched it all unfold, waiting to see if I could help, but I never saw many opportunities. In the end, I saw that the aliens looked like they were going to win, so I decided to go back in time, once more. I probably would have went back in time, whatever the outcome, because the cost in human life had been too high. I gathered up everything that I needed, walked to the time machine, and set the date to the day after Thanksgiving. I got in, and the door slid shut. The time machine began to hum, there was a blinding white light, and I traveled back in time, once again. When I got back in time, I got out of the time machine, and began to make preparations to defeat the aliens. I was going to take over the aliens mind control devices, as I had done before, but I was going to try and defeat the spaceships myself. As I had watched everything unfold, and seen all the battles, I had discovered a weakness in the aliens spaceships. I knew how to defeat the aliens, without having to involve the military, so I hoped that the loss of human life would be minimal. I worked feverishly, all the way up to Christmas Eve. I was ready when the aliens began their attack. The aliens turned on their mind control devices, I turned my devices on, and took control of their devices. As soon as I had control of the aliens mind control devices, I began to punch codes into the console, and I took control of the aliens spaceships. That was the weakness that I had spotted, I had found a way to take control of the spaceships, but I had not discovered it until near the end of the final day of the battles. I had discovered it by accident, by actually taking control of one of the spaceships, and crash landing it. I had found the frequency that the aliens were using to control all their spaceships. With that frequency, I could, and did take control of all the aliens spaceships. Once I had control of all the spaceships, I made them all crash, in isolated places. When all the spaceships were on the ground, I released the animals on them. I reprogramed the mind control devices, so that the animals would attack the aliens. The animals made quick work of the aliens, the aliens were defeated within a few hours, with no human losses. Once the aliens were defeated, I shut down the mind control devices, and the animals returned to their normal lives. Life for mankind was safe once again. The aliens had been defeated, without mankind ever knowing about the threat. Mankind never realized that they had been heading for extinction, or even how close that theyd come to being extinct. Everyone celebrated the holiday, in their own way, and after the aliens were defeated, I celebrated it my way, by going to the beach. I needed a vacation. #### The End
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 17:15:53 +0000

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