Heading to you New York for the weekend to support Haitians - TopicsExpress


Heading to you New York for the weekend to support Haitians friends trying to mobilize against impunity in their country. Baby Doc (aka Duvalier)s death stopped for ever their hope to get justice and receive some answers about so many who disappeared and got killed during the long dictatorship that is still having so many consequences on what is happening in Haiti today. Many dont know that Duvalier actually died peacefully in his country where the current President presented him as a hero. The survivors and families of the victims were engaged in a long fight to try to get a judicial process going. In vain… Since my days in Haiti (1989 to 1994), including two years underground doing human rights and non violent resistance work (probably the most intense years of my life), I have traveled through all continents (about 30 war zones) and extended my adopted family across cultures, space and time, including in the Middle East (in particular Libya and Syria) in the past few years. But I have never forgotten my Haitian family and gone back to work there on a very regular basis, for weeks or months at a time, including after the earthquake. To many, Haiti may represent despair, violence, misery, constant crisis. To me, it is also the place where I have learnt most of what I know about our humanity -- its worst and its best, where I have learnt first hand how to stand by the Light and not fear darkness. A place where I have lost too many friends and colleagues along the years. And it is the place where, at one of the lowest points in my personal life, the brutality of others violent deaths, in massive numbers, brought me back to life, for ever...
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 22:15:32 +0000

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