Heading towards New Year and i think my post today is about kids.. - TopicsExpress


Heading towards New Year and i think my post today is about kids.. After all Christmas is all about them. And depression.. seen in many.. and often missed Normally I post about Alexander because he has a very quirky way of looking at life and as most of the folks on my facebook know is a high spectrum autist with asbergers and ADHD Today is about my one and only daughter Cassie who in all honesty is probably similar to Alex. Only she was missed by the health services because in girls, asbergers shows itself in anxiety disorders and it starts about 11 or 12.. in secondary school, the constant changing of classes, teachers and the usual problems teenagers face. Cassie was missed and mistreated by the health service and because of their inability to diagnose her, left her to fall into a huge hole with no ladder to help her climb out. Lat year.. thanks to some very special people Cassie is starting to find her own way Here is the post Cassie put up and I know she will not mind me sharing it. It is opnly left to say that I am so proud of my daughter because despite all this, she continues to support people in the same place as she is and continues to care in a world where care is sometimes so lacking... Go girl Time to get real for Christmas. The long and short of it is that I have very serious depression and very serious anxiety - particularly on a social level - that turn even mundane and otherwise easy commonplace tasks for most other people into a proverbial mountain that Im expected to climb with no equipment to do so with. But the latter half of this year, and in particular the last few months, has seen some massive changes. That isnt to say that its going to be easy, and that it wont be a struggle to overcome these still pretty immense challenges, but every journey has to start with a single step. So, I want to say a big thank you this Christmas to the people whove supported me (even during times of their own strife,) to the people who have extended opportunities to me and put their faith in me, and to the people who have put time aside to help me organise, arrange and sort out. I wouldnt be where I am right now without any of you, and there isnt really a gift I could get that would really properly show my gratitude. And, of course, a thanks for all the lovely gifts this year, too. Its been a really pleasant christmas over all, but feeling like progression is being made after years of being stuck is the best feeling of all, and it gives me a lot of promise for the coming year as well as the motivation to set myself goals to work towards. I leave you with a video which shows so well in simple terms what depression is.. and what it does to you. Many people suffer from this in silence so please watch and understand.. and dont judge https://youtube/watch?v=XiCrniLQGYc
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 13:11:20 +0000

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