Healing Miracles On October 17th, I was involved in an - TopicsExpress


Healing Miracles On October 17th, I was involved in an automobile accident on my way to work. I was at a dead stop and someone in a large pickup truck rear-ended me at 50 mph without braking! Yes, I was injured, I was scared and my car was totaled. I was knocked unconscious and that was pretty scary. Ive been through so many trials and tribulations in the last few years that I just didnt think I could handle anymore! As God would have it, He didnt see it the same way I did! I wont go into the minute details of the accident but I will share some pretty amazing testimonies in the hopes that it will touch someones spirit who may happen upon this site! But please remember, if you are reading this, its because the Lord led you to this site for a reason!!! The Bible says in Proverbs 4:20-22, My son, give attention to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. (v21) Do not let them depart from your eyes; Keep them in the midst of your heart; (v22) For they are life to those who find them, and health to all their flesh. This means that we must read His word, listen to what the Lord is saying, and not stray from the Holy Bible. As we READ, it becomes a part of our hearts and He is telling us that His words are LIFE to any of us who find them. Once we do, there is health to our flesh. There are some naysayers who dont believe God heals in our present day, however, the Lord God always was, always IS and always WILL BE and that means He doesnt change! What Hes done in the past, He continues to do in our present day. They call the Bible the LIVING BIBLE because thats exactly what it is....living! Full of life of the Lord God Almightys own words and instructions. That morning driving in to work I was praying and talking to the Lord. I prayed for protection, to be used as His servant in His Will, and I was rebuking the enemy and his agenda! I was singing His praises and listening for His voice.....then suddenly, I was knocked unconscious and when I came to, I was completely disoriented and confused. A lot of chaos, ambulances, patrol cars, and fire engines were all around and I kept looking at my body for blood but couldnt see any! I thanked the Lord in a small winded voice. Later in the evening, after I had been poked and scanned and x-rayed, I was laying quietly on the gurney, covered in a few warmed blankets because I was still in shock, when the Physicians Assistant came in with that look. She asked me if Id ever been told I had a cyst on my brain. DREAD came upon me. I said NO and then was told there was either a cyst in the middle of my brain OR blood. All I kept hearing in my head was cyst, over and over. What an awful scare, but at the same time, a testing of my Faith and Trust in the Lord. In Luke 17:6, it is written, So the Lord said, “If you have faith as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be pulled up by the roots and be planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you. I really tried not to focus on the what ifs that are typical in this scenario, but it crept in from time to time. Then the word cyst was replaced with blood because THAT made more sense to me considering the type of impact it was and how bad my head hurt.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 06:51:55 +0000

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