Healing crisis, detoxification process and illness - what are - TopicsExpress


Healing crisis, detoxification process and illness - what are they? how do you tell them apart? A healing crisis is a sudden worsening of symptoms that happens when the body kicks into gear to resolve an issue. A crisis will usually be a sudden worsening of EXISTING symptoms. A healing crisis typically comes on fast, peaks, and then the being begins to improve. And yes, a crisis can push an animal or person pretty close to the edge. A healing crisis is most often seen when a being that already has issues is given eastern remedies, such as homeopathics, herbs, energy work etc. A detoxification may or may not be part of a healing crisis and the animal or person may or may not have had symptoms before the detoxification started. In my experience, the detox may not come with a fever. A detox may come with snotty nose, runny eyes, diarrhea, excessive urination, pimples, abcesses, sudden partial or complete hair loss, and/or bad breath. The body is busy emptying the trash and will do it through any of the organs of elimination, which includes lungs and skin. Detoxes most often occur when you first start an animal or person on detox supplements like clay, zeolite, or cleansing herbs. We all know what an illness looks like, and each illness looks a bit different. Deciding which of the 3 you are dealing with most often requires ruling out detox and healing crisis. You will typically see a healing crisis or detoxification when using eastern medicine or holistic methods, or during the transition from western to eastern approaches. I rarely see an animal or person in either a healing crisis or detoxification when following a more standard diet that includes chemicals, additives, preservatives, vaccines and dewormers. A being on a conventional diet with chemicals and vaccines is most likely sick, rather than detoxing or in a healing crisis. Which brings me to the transition from conventional to holistic. The change to a chem-free lifestyle can also trigger a detox. Detoxing and healing crises are a normal and desired part of getting healthy, as unpleasant as they appear. Illness, while not desirable, is a signal that the body needs assistance. The similarities between the 3 are why non-vets and non-doctors need to be so cautious about rendering medical advice, and why its good to have access to a skilled medical practitioner.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 13:56:35 +0000

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