Health: Banana Wonders BANANA WONDERS By Rukayyah - TopicsExpress


Health: Banana Wonders BANANA WONDERS By Rukayyah Arekemase Bananas are high-energy, yellow-skinned, sweet, nutritious fruits with a distinctive shape. They can be eaten raw or made into different cuisines and are available all through the year. According to whfoods, a banana is an elliptically shaped fruit pre-packaged by nature featuring a firm, creamy flesh gift wrapped inside a thick edible peel. Bananas are essentially one of the healthiest and most widely eaten fruits in the world with high calories and nutrients value. Although bananas have a resilient look, proper care should be taken in storing them in order to forestall deterioration in nutritional value. Bananas are a favorite food for everyone, from infant to aged. They can be stored uncovered at room temperature. They can also be refrigerated; however, if unripe, the peels might turn brown but the texture won’t be affected. Rather than eat an apple a day as the adage goes “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” a banana should do for optimum health. As stated on lifescript, a banana has two times as much carbohydrate as an apple, five times as much vitamin A and iron and three times as much phosphorus. The health benefits of bananas are enormous, below are just a few: Bananas are good sources of potassium. They contain about 422mg of potassium which is essential for proper heart function and prevention of stroke and other cardiovascular diseases. Research has proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. Little wonder that bananas are the number one fruit with the world leading athletes. Eating bananas helps combat constipation as they are rich in dietary fibres which form bulk in the intestines thus aiding normal bowel action without resorting to laxatives. They also prevent pile. This unique tropical fruit contains a chemical called tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin which helps relax the mind, improve mood and makes people happier. Bananas contain high doses of vitamin C which help in collagen production that is essential for healthy skin, wound-healing processes and the protection of the body from free radicals. Try eating a banana when suffering from heart burn as it contains natural antacid effects for a soothing relief. Snacking on a banana between meals can help improve blood sugar as it contains vitamin B6 which helps in blood regulation and overall mood balancing Following a mosquito bite, the inside of the banana peel can be rubbed on the affected area. This helps in reducing swelling and irritation. Bananas are high in iron hence can stimulate haemoglobin production in the blood which treats and cures anaemia. Experiencing hangovers? Get a banana! The nutrient content in bananas makes them perfect in curing the effect of a hangover. Banana blended with yoghurt and honey makes a perfect cure for hangovers. Bananas can be eaten raw, blended or combined with other fruits to make salads. Other forms include banana bread, banana cake, banana smoothie and lots more. Need I say more? I’m sure you now know why monkeys are fresh and happy. Eat a banana!
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 17:06:09 +0000

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