Health-Ebola-Legislature Plenary Rejects Setting Up Ad Hoc - TopicsExpress


Health-Ebola-Legislature Plenary Rejects Setting Up Ad Hoc Ebola Committee By Hilary Vasco Wiagbe MONROVIA, August 13 (LINA) -The Plenary of the House of Representatives has rejected a recommendation by Grand Kru County Representative Numene Bartekwa calling for the constitution of an Ad Hoc Legislative Anti-Ebola Campaign Committee. In a letter dated August 11 and addressed to Speaker J. Alexander Tyler, Bartekwa said the recommendation was necessary to enable the committee follow up on the day-to-day activities of the National Ebola Task Force and brief Plenary regularly on the campaign. Following the reading of the letter in session on Tuesday, August 12, 2014, Montserrado County Representative Henry Fahnbulleh opposed the recommendation, claiming it would usurp the oversight responsibility of the House Committee on Health and Social Welfare, according to the Liberia News Agency (LINA). Fahnbulleh further suggested that instead of setting up an Ad Hoc Legislative Anti- Ebola Campaign Committee, Plenary should empower the Committee on Health and Social Welfare to effectively monitor the work of the National Ebola Task Force, with the mandate to report to the body daily. This suggestion met the consent of the 50 lawmakers present in session, and was therefore endorsed by Plenary. LINA HVW/TSS/PTK Society-Court-Opinions Supreme Court Handing Down Final Opinions By: Richard Stephens & Comfort M. Johnson MONROVIA, August 13 (LINA) -The Supreme Court of Liberia Wednesday began handing down final opinions in cases on the court’s docket for the May Term of Court. According to the Liberia News Agency, Chief Justice Francis Saye Korkpor said the process will continue up to Friday, August 15, at which time the court will be closed for its May Term. In the Supreme Court ruling Wednesday, Appellant Joseph Gardea was sentenced to life imprisonment for raping 12-year-old Decontee Gardea to death early this year, while Madam Musu Mayango of Monrovia was sentenced to six months for Aggravated Assault after a petition for Re-Argument filed was denied by the court. Mr. Allen R. Brown was also ordered by the court to immediately pay to his wife Meata Hage Brown US30,000 retroactively and US1,500 every month for persistent non-support, as well as for failing to comply with an earlier lower court ruling. Meanwhile, the process continues Thursday at the Temple of Justice. LINA RS/CMJ/TSS/PTK Health-Ebola-Funding Senate To Decide On US$20m Ebola Fund Thursday By Winnie T. Dixon (Intern) MONROVIA, August 13 (LINA) - The Liberian Senate has mandated its Committee on Ways, Means, Finance and Health to advise Plenary by Thursday, August 15, on the senate’s position on the US$ 20 million emergency funding to combat the Ebola virus. The Senate had earlier received a communication from the House of Representatives seeking its concurrence on endorsing the funding. In the communication, dated August 12 and read before members of the Liberian Senate Tuesday, the House of Representatives informed the Senate of its decision to endorse the proposed US$20 million to be used in the fight against the deadly Ebola disease that has claimed the lives of many Liberians. The communication also quotes the House of Representatives as saying that giving the extreme and severe threat posed by the disease in Liberia, the Lower House has deemed it necessary to agree that the Executive Branch expends such amount. The document further stated that the amount is an emergency fund and that the Legislature is depending on the Executive to properly utilize the fund for the designated purpose. Meanwhile, in an effort to ensure transparency and accountability, the Liberian Senate has decided that the list of contributing donors, as well as the amounts donated to aid in the Ebola fight be published in local dailies on a weekly basis. LINA WTD/JGT/TSS/PTK Society-Security Defense Minister Warns Against Demonstrations, Confusion By: Wilfred Gortor (Intern) MONROVIA, August 13 (LINA) - Defense Minister Brownie J. Samukai has warned Liberians against “unnecessary demonstrations and confusion” at a time when the nation was facing an outbreak of the deadly Ebola disease. He vowed that anyone engaging in unjustified protests and disturbances in the country will “meet the full force of the law”. He said government will not tolerate indiscipline from any group or individuals who are in the habit of illegally obstructing the normal movement of residents amidst the country’s current struggle to eradicate the Ebola virus. The Defense Minister issued the warning when he appeared on the Sky FM talk show “Fifty-fifty” on Tuesday. Defense Minister Samukai noted that the Ebola virus can be contained if citizens fully cooperate with the health and security systems without hesitation. According to Minister Samukai, government is fighting to contain and eradicate the deadly disease, noting that it is necessary for every Liberian to appreciate and approach the fight with a positive outlook. He observed that the issue of ‘reckless denials’ is a key problem in Liberian society that must be uprooted so that Liberia can become a land of peaceful co-habitation. Meanwhile, Minister Samukai has called on Liberians to desist from traveling from one county to another so that the fight against the Ebola virus can be an easy and fruitful one. He said when Liberians realize that the Ebola virus can be contained by restricting movements within “hot-zones and across red lines,” the Ebola battle will be a success story for every Liberian. “Do not go into hot-zones, especially areas where people are consistently being infected, stay where you are until government can declare the place safe for you to travel,” Samukai cautioned Liberians. He stressed that individuals, who are ill and have noticed symptoms of the virus, must report immediately to the nearest health center, rather than move from one community or county to another location, possibly conveying the disease as they commute. LINA WSG/JGT/TSS/PTK Society-Security Police Free Man Accused Of Water Poisoning In Gbarnga By Ballah Kollie, LINA Bong County Correspondent GBARNGA, August13 (LINA) – Police in Bong County have set free a man who was accused of poisoning wells in Gbarnga, Bong County, for lack of evidence. The police set free Abendnego Karnga, who turned himself in Tuesday to the Criminal Services Department (CSD), after preliminary investigation showed a lack of evidence, CSD detachment Commander Alvin James disclosed. Karnga, a cleaner at the C.B Dunbar Hospital in Gbarnga, was on Monday rumored to have been in the custody of police for allegedly poisoning wells in Gbarnga. Karnga explained that he left Gbarnga on August 6for his farm in Shangbalai, Zota District and did not return to Gbarnga since then, saying he was shocked and confused when he received the news from his brother while on his way to Gbarnga Tuesday. Ray, as he is commonly called, said the allegation that he took US$500 to kill others through the poisoning of their water is not true, adding “I want those spreading such lies to please stop this.” He noted: “I have worked with C.B Dunbar for more than a decade without criminal record. Why will people decide to tarnish my hard-earned reputation?” Meanwhile, Inspector James has lauded Karnga for turning himself in to the police, noting that this is what is expected of every good citizen. He clarified that the police does not have any criminal record on the man, and vowed to apply Chapter 12.31, 12.33 of the Criminal Procedure Law which prohibits the spreading of falsehood against any citizen. According to Inspector James, the spreading of falsehood of this kind endangers the lives of people and will not be tolerated. He promised to launch further investigation into the rumor with the aim of ascertaining its source to deter would-be perpetrators. LINA BK/JGT/TSS/PTK Society-Health Group Calls For Counseling At Ebola Treatment Centers By: Prince Nagbe MONROVIA, August 13 (LINA) - The Grand Coalition of Liberian Organizations (GRANDCOALIO) has called on the government to attach psychosocial counseling at Ebola Treatment Centers (ETCs) to counsel patients. GRANDCOALIO Chairman and President of the Liberia Business Association (LBA), Dee-Maxwell Kemayah, made the statement when he donated 25 bags of rice and juices to the National Health Association of Liberia at the LIBA head office in Paynesville on Tuesday. According to the Liberia News Agency, Kemayah observed that the death rate from the Ebola virus has continued to increase partly due to the lack of psychosocial counselors at treatment centers. He noted that the number of patients dying from the Ebola disease will drop if psychosocial counseling is added at the treatment of those afflicted by the virus. The LIBA official also appealed to President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Health Minister Dr. Walter Gwenigale to reinstate the president and vice president of the Health Workers Association, noting that “this is not time to suspend health workers, rather it is time for all Liberians, including health workers, to work together in containing the virus”. Kemayah urged government to provide basic incentives as well as protective equipment for health workers, noting that “We think they are going through a lot and GRANDCOALIO pays tribute to their valuable services”. Meanwhile, the GRANDCOALIO Chair has observed that though urged health workers’ claims for insurance, increased salaries and better incentives are genuine, they should not abandon their job, but rather stay engaged in keeping with their oath to save lives. LINA PSN/JGT/TSS/PTK Society-Health Educator Says Lack Of Knowledge Spurs Health Workers Ebola Deaths By Winnie Dixon (Intern) MONROVIA, August 13 (LINA) – The Dean of the Health Department of the Bomi Community College, Andrew Z. Mambu, has said the high death rate among health workers from Ebola is due to poor knowledge of the disease at the time of its outbreak. Speaking in an interview with the Liberia News Agency Tuesday, Mambu said before the outbreak, not many persons in Liberia had adequate knowledge of the virus. He said as a result, institutions teaching health sciences emphasized other medical conditions they felt were more likely to be encountered in the field and constituted larger threats for health workers and the society. Mr. Mambu added that the outbreak also came at the time of the rift between health workers striking for benefits and the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. “This led to a complete breakdown of trust between the caregivers and the ministry which led workers to believe that the ministry’s announcement of the obscure Ebola disease was only a false alarm meant to divert attention from their demands,” he noted. He said the health workers became even less alert when the government announced that the first Ebola outbreak had ended, particularly when they had not received any training about the disease. “This situation was compounded by absences of personal protective equipment at health facilities that had to deal with patients showing up with cases of Ebola at the facilities,” he said. He made particular reference to the situation in Lofa County where, he noted, the vast majority of health workers were persons who resided in communities and had a true commitment to their professions. Mambu said the fact that the symptoms of Ebola resemble signs of other diseases such as malaria, served as a major avenue for infections among health workers. LINA WTD/JGT/TSS/PTK Health-Ebola-Refugees Refugees in Harper Demand Ebola Awareness By: John Bropleh, LINA Maryland County Correspondent HARPER, August 13 (LINA) - Scores of angry Ivorian refugees in Little Wlebo in Maryland County stormed the Harper City Hall demanding the relevant government agencies to provide awareness on the current Ebola outbreak in the country. Little Wlebo is a refugee camp in Harper District, Maryland County, which currently hosts over 10,000 Ivorian refugees. The refugees headed by their spokesman, Romeo Gallon, traveled on foot recently for hours and met with the Acting Superintendent of Maryland County, Tarbi Thompson to express their anger. Speaking on behalf his colleagues, Gallon pointed out that since the outbreak of the virus in Liberia, no one from the Health Ministry or refugee agency has gone to the camp to educate them about the danger and prevention of Ebola. Gallon said the refugees consider Liberia their second home, noting that what hurts or affects Liberians also affects them because as refugees living on the camp they are now part of the country. He then appealed to the Liberian Government, through the Ministry of Health and the National Ebola Taskforce, to extend services to the refugee camp in an attempt to preserve their lives. In response, Acting Superintendent Thompson thanked the refugees for presenting their concern in an orderly manner, and appealed to them to exercise restraint as the Government is carrying out a vigorous awareness campaign throughout the country about the disease. He assured them that the Ministry of Health and the National Ebola Task Force will reach their camp to educate them on how to avoid contracting the virus. LINA JB/JGT/TSS/PTK Society-Education Senator Taylor Wants County Scholarship In National Budget By: Calvin Brooks MONROVIA, August 13 (LINA) - Bong County Senator Jewel Howard-Taylor wants county scholarship allotment in the National Budget to ensure that competent Liberians get scholarships to develop the human resource of the nation. Taylor said this would also enhance the performance of students who benefit from county scholarships program. She told journalists Tuesday at a ceremony held at the Ministry of Education to certificate 17 Liberian students granted scholarships by AcelorMittal to study in Ghana and Kenya for degrees in science and procurement from bachelor to doctorate level. Senator Taylor noted that it is crucial for all counties to put their allotment for scholarships within the Ministry of Education budget to ensure that the county scholarships are given to students who are qualified for the scholarships. She noted that over the years, county scholarships had been given to students who do not meet up the grade points and sometimes perform poorly in their studies. She observed that the Ministry of Education will be able to identify brilliant students who might enhance the country’s development goals. LINA CB/JGT/TSS/PTK Society-Health Police Chief Pats Donors To Ebola Fight By Robert Dixon MONROVIA, August 13(LINA) - The Inspector General of the Liberia National Police (LNP), C. Clarence Massaquoi, has commended the Unite States Embassy for sourcing urgently needed Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for the police. Addressing a news conference at the Police Headquarters Tuesday, Massaquoi said the materials which the U.S. Embassy in Monrovia negotiated for will arrive in Liberia soon. The Police chief also thanked some local business entities for providing assistance to the police to support its role in the fight to bring under control the spread of the Ebola virus. He named the local business entities as ArcelorMittal, Trust Incorporated in Via Town, Aureus Mining Company, Fresh Frozen Food and City Builders. The donations include 250 gallons of fuel, one gallon of Chlorine, 12 spray cans, 100 bags of rice (25kg each) and 75 cartoons of frozen foods. Meanwhile, Col. Massaquoi has appealed to Liberians and friends of Liberia to heed to the call of the National Taskforce headed by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf to join in the fight to kick Ebola out of Liberia. LINA RD/JGT/TSS/PTK Society-Education 17 Liberians Get Arcelor Mittal Foreign Scholarships By: Calvin Brooks MONROVIA, August 13 (LINA) - Arcelor Mittal Liberia has awarded 17 scholarships to Liberian students to pursue various degree programs at universities in Ghana and Kenya. According to the Country Manager of Arcelor Mittal Liberia, Ronnie Addy, the entity has established an advanced academic scholarship program (AASP) in the amount of the US$200,000 per annum to provide opportunities for Liberian students to pursue graduate degree programs at universities in Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, Australia and China in 2014. Addy made the statement Tuesday during the presentation of certificates of acceptance for the Cycle III award ceremony of the Arcelor Mittal advanced academic studies scholarship program to the students held at the Ministry of Education in Monrovia. He indicated that since institution of the scholarship program by the company, this is the first time undergraduate scholarships have been offered to 15 males and two females to pursue studies in science and procurement from bachelor to doctorate degree levels. He disclosed that the company has committed US$50,000 to the Departments of Mining and Geology at the University of Liberia for capacity building as well as technical assistance to students in good academic standing majoring in mining, engineering and geology. Addy emphasized that the company recognizes the need to educate Liberians to enable them assume control of this huge revenue earning industry and assured the company’s commitment to developing creative ways to improve the lives of Liberian youths for tomorrow through education. LINA CB/JGT/TSS/PTK Society-Court Man, 39, Charged For Cruelty Against Animal By: Emmanuel Mondaye, LINA Gbarpolu County Correspondent BOPOLU, August 13 (LINA) - The Bopolu Magisterial Court in Gbarpolu County has charged 39-year-old Mulbah Wright with “cruelty against an animal and property theft”. According to the writ of arrest from the police, defendant Wright on August 4 “criminally, cruelly and wickedly killed”| the dog of complainant Yankonah Zor at his residence in Bopolu. In his testimony before the Stipendiary Magistrate, Mulbah Harris, defendant Mulbah pleaded guilty to the crime and begged for mercy. He told the court that everything that the complainant said in his testimony was true and that he killed the dog, ate and sold some of the meat for money. The value of the dog is put at US$60.00. Meanwhile, defendant Wright has been detained at the Bopolu Central Prison due to his failure to file a criminal appearance bond to secure his release until conclusion of the case. LINA EDM/TSS/PTK Society-Security “No Evidence of Well Poisoning,” Police Chief By: Robert Dixon MONROVIA, August 13 (LINA) -The Liberia National Police has dispelled rumors about the poisoning of wells and other water sources, indicating that there is no evidence to support the claim. In recent times, news about people poisoning water sources have engulfed especially Montserrado and Margibi counties, with allegation that paid agents were carrying out the act. The Inspector General of the Liberia National Police, C. Clarence Massaquoi, told a press conference Tuesday that in the wake of the prevailing Ebola disease, this latest development has created panic among Liberians, in some instances leading to mob violence. He said on August 3 an individual identified as Mr. Edwin Dagbe, aged 27, was rescued by personnel of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) and subsequently turned over to the LNP on suspicion of poisoning and contaminating wells in Kpor Town. Community dwellers in Margibi County alleged that Mr. Dagbe had in his possession one noise mask, a pair of hand gloves and one spring. Director Massaquoi, said due to the large crowd that had gathered at the Kpor Town Police Depot, suspect Dagbe was immediately transferred to the Roberts International Airport Police Detail for safety. According to him, water samples collected from the well for test, while the well was ordered shut down pending the outcome of the analysis. He said because of the importance the LNP attached to this grave allegation, the sample of the water was immediately sent to the National Standard Laboratory and the LNP Forensic Unit for testing. “We want to report that this test result from the Laboratory revealed that water from the well contained lower concentration of Aldehyde which is Formaldehyde,” Director Massaquoi noted. He said as a result, LNP Forensic Unit considers the test as being inconclusive in that it lacked information on the percentage of concentration of Formaldehyde which would render the water either contaminated (Poisoned ) or not. Director Massaquoi, pointed out that the test result also indicated that all water has its own chemical substances which were not mentioned, stressing that the test result also mentioned a low concentration of aldehyde thereby rendering the water non-lethal and harmless for human consumption. “Hence, the Police does not have sufficient evidence to support the suspicion of the community dwellers that Mr. Dagbe attempted to poison or contaminate their well, he concluded. LINA RD/TSS/PTK Health-Ebola-Donation MCC Donates Protective Materials To CMT, CBE By: Calvin Brooks MONROVIA, August 13 (LINA) -The Monrovia City Corporation (MCC) has donated protective materials to the Community Management Team (CMT) and Community-Based Enterprise (CBE) to prevent workers from contracting the Ebola virus while collecting wastes in Monrovia. According the Coordinator of the Improved Primary Waste Collection In Poor Communities (IMPAC) Project, Frank A. Krah, the wastes generated from a variety of sources could contain hazardous materials that could contaminate garbage. Krah, an official of the MCC, made the disclosure Wednesday at a one-day Ebola prevention awareness seminar for members of the CMT and CBE under the IMPAC project held at the Monrovia Hall. He indicated that the materials include gloves, chloride, buckets, soap and megaphones to also create awareness about the danger of the Ebola virus while serving in the communities. Coordinator Krah stressed that it is crucial for waste collectors to be protected against the deadly disease, noting that the kind of work they do puts them in a dangerous position at all the times. LINA CB/TSS/PTK Society-Media Lawmakers Urge Financial Support To LBS, Community Radios By: Hilary Vasco Wiagbe MONROVIA, August 13 (INA) -Several Lawmakers have stressed the need for the government to empower the state-owned Liberia Broadcasting System (LBS) and community radio stations in the country. Lawmakers Bhofal Chambers of Maryland County, George Mulbah of Bong County and Christian Chea of River Gee County said empowering LBS and the community radios will enable them effectively disseminate information to Liberians nationwide, especially as it relates to the Ebola Virus. According to the Liberia News Agency (LINA), the Representatives made the call Tuesday after a communication written by Grand Kru County Representative, Numene Bartekwa, requesting more support to LBS, was read in session. They argued that limiting such request to the LBS was not in the best interest of the campaign against the Ebola virus since the state broadcaster does not cover the entire country. Representatives Chambers, Chea and Mulbah have described as crucial the role of community radios in the effort to contain the Ebola virus as these radio stations are heard in districts, towns, clans and villages across Liberia. They emphasized that it will be prudent were the National Ebola Task Force to spend portion of the US$20 million that was pledged by the government through President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, and approved by the House of Representatives recently. At the same time, Representative Chambers has challenged his colleagues to actively get involved in the fight against the Ebola disease by going to their respective constituencies to help spread anti-Ebola messages. LINA HVW/JGT/TSS/PTK Health-Ebola-Bodies Five Bodies Found In West Point Township By: Winnie Dixon (Intern) MONROVIA, August 13 (LINA) - Residents of the Township of West Point, the largest slum in the Liberian capital Monrovia, were shocked by the discovery of five dead bodies with symptoms of the Ebola virus in their community. West Point is a low income community with a heavily congested population of both Liberians and foreign nationals who eke out their living from fishing and petty trading as well as employment in government. According to Montserrado County District #7 Representative Solomon George, even though a near violent situation was put under control Wednesday morning, there are still pressing issues to be addressed by the National Task Force on Ebola in responding to calls from communities arriving at the same time. He named those concerns as the need to increase the number of burial and spraying teams, treatment units, ambulances and adequate compensation for health workers to effectively dispose of dead bodies in the communities. Rep. George told the Liberia News Agency that as a result of the gravity of the Ebola virus, a special meeting would be convened between officials of the district and the General Service Agency Director General, Madam Mary Broh, to discuss modalities to help contain the disease in the Township. The Representative said the U.S. Center for Disease Control experts in Liberia have alarmed that at least 20,000 persons could die of the virus in the country if things are not handled properly in a more robust and timely fashion. LINA WTD/TSS/PTK Health-Ebola-Update Health Ministry Releases Ebola Update On 3 Counties By: Prince Nagbe MONROVIA, August 13 (LINA) - The Ministry of Health has released update on Treatment Units for three counties under the Incident Management System. The update, which is contained in the Ministry of Health Summary Notes on Incident Management System, highlights information on the treatment units of Montserrado, Lofa and Bong Counties from August 11-12 2014. In Montserrado, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is working at full speed to build the capacity of the ELWA treatment center three to at least 80 beds, the report says. It reveals that MSF is at the same time training staff for the center to begin work on August 17 as construction work at the center is expected to be completed on Wednesday, August 13. According to the update, an Ebola transit center has been opened in Voinjama, Lofa County to complement the Ebola Treatment Unit (ETU) which is being managed by MSF, as the transit center will be attending to patients especially from Barkedu. The Ministry of Health, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and MSF are working with Save the Children at an ETU in Bong County and that Save the Children will help in coordinating the ETU and not case Management, the update explained. Under external partners support, the report disclosed that the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has brought in a team of medical experts to work with the airports to support airport screenings to reduce the risk of people traveling without appropriate clearance and to maintain confidence in air travel among air carriers, travelers and airports authority. CDC,in collaboration with World Health Organization (WHO), is also bringing in the country lab experts to set up a lab in Foya, Lofa County and they are expected to arrive on August 16, the report states. MSF, in partnership with the Health Ministry, has promised to distribute hygiene kits and do household health promotion in Monrovia, while CDC is expected to bring another laboratory team, a mobile lab to be deployed in Bong County depending on the situation in Nigeria, the update explains. LINAPSN/PTK
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 22:38:21 +0000

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