Health Factoid of the Day: Prevent Tick Bites While Enjoying the - TopicsExpress


Health Factoid of the Day: Prevent Tick Bites While Enjoying the Outdoors: Use an insect repellant on exposed skin & treat clothing & footwear with repellant that provides weeks of protection & remains through several washings. Tuck your pants into socks to reduce the amount of exposed skin. When hiking, stay on well-worn paths and out of tall grass or bushy areas. Check for ticks immediately after being outdoors. The longer a tick is attached, the greater your risk of infection. If you discover a tick, use tweezers to remove it as close to the skin as possible. Dont grab it with your fingers & squeeze it. That injects the tick fluids & increases the risk of infection. If you suffer a tick bite and develop a fever 1-2 wks later, see a doctor. The incubation period for tick-borne diseases is 8-14 days, Protect your dog with tick collars or monthly treatments. This will prevent ticks from being brought into your home by the dog
Posted on: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 11:06:08 +0000

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